The Cultural Heritage Cloud (ECCCH) is a shared platform designed to provide heritage professionals and researchers with access to data, scientific resources, training, and advanced digital tools tailored to suit their needs. This platform is developed by ECHOES (European Cloud for Heritage Open Science), a project funded by the European Commission and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) that brings together fragmented communities of the Cultural Heritage field into a new community around the Digital Commons.
The ECCCH built by ECHOES is anchored in the principles of Open Science, which promotes inclusion and democratises access to knowledge and digital assets for all. Upon completion, ECHOES will provide a unified platform to integrate the outcomes of EU and national projects related to Cultural Heritage. ECHOES covers 15 EU member states but also ensures a wider representativeness and inclusivity thanks to several institutions associated to pan-European networks and initiatives active in a wide range of topics. Archives Portal Europe Foundation is very proud to be one of these partners.
We invite you to register to the project's newsletter and follow its work: