We start 2025 by celebrating Public Domain Day! Each year on the 1st of January, new collections of cultural treasures that are no longer restricted by copyright enter public domain, which means they are free for people to use to create and recreate with the source material. For archivists, historians, and anyone passionate about cultural heritage, this is a significant moment—a reminder of how the passage of time enriches our shared access to knowledge and creativity.
But what exactly is the public domain? Works enter the public domain when their copyright expires, making them free for anyone to use, share, and remix. In the European Union, this typically happens 70 years after the death of the creator. This year, that means works by authors, artists, and other creators who passed away in 1954 are now public domain. Among the notable works entering public domain in 2025 are the French Novel "Gigi", Piet Mondrian's paintings, and Popeye! You can find a list of works and authors that entered public domain on the 1st January 2025 here and here.
Also, you can find here a very interesting and exhaustive report about what Public Domain actually means, the difference between trademarks and copyright, and all the legal infos about using Public Domain!
To mark the occasion and help creatives to navigate public domain, Europeana in collaboration with Wiki Commons and many other institutions, has organised a special event on the 9th of January, to explore what’s entering the public domain in 2025, why it matters, and how you can make the most of these resources.
All information at this link: https://meemoo.be/en/training-and-events/public-domain-day-in-europe
Luna Bloomfield and Christian Michaelsen, Spinach ballet from « Popeye » - Théâtre des arts (Cergy-Pontoise), 1989 - held at the archives of the Centre national de la Danse (fonds Jean-Marie Gourreau)