There are a few jobs available at some of our content providers and other archiving institutions in the UK.
Deadlines for applications between 10 October and 18 October 2022
Thackray Museum of Medicine, Project Archivist, deadline for applications is Wednesday 12th October, 5pm, apply here:
St Antony’s College, Records Manager, the closing date for applications is 9:00 on Monday 10th October 2022, apply here:
Natural History Society of Northumbria, Project Archivist, deadline for completed application forms is 5pm on Tuesday 18 October 2022, apply here:
Amnesty International, International Secretariat (AIIS), Archivist, Closing Date is Thursday 13 October 2022, apply here:
The National Archives, Python Developers (x4) , the closing date for applications is 11.55pm on Saturday 31st December 2022, apply here:
The National Archives, Developers (Java/Scale) , the closing date for applications is 11.55pm on Saturday 31st December 2022, apply here: