The ASMI (Association for the Studies of Modern Italy) has launched a Call for Papers for its 2024 ASMI Summer School, which will be held at the Domus Mazziniana in Pisa (Italy) on 19th and 20th of September 2024. Participants will present their papers in panel sessions; papers can be in Italian or English and should not be more than 20 minutes in length.
The Summer School is aimed at post-grads and Early Career Academics in the field of Italian Studies (within any aspect of Italian history, politics, society, and culture from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century) to share their work, test their ideas, and receive constructive feedback in a supportive environment.
The event if free to all members of ASMI; membership is offered at a discounted rate of £20 to students and unwaged participants, and it includes the subscription to the journal Modern Italy ( Travel bursaries of £100 will also be available to support the attendance of unwaged postgraduates and independent researchers. Anyone wishing to request the travel bursary has to send a short explanatory note justifying the need for support, attached with the proposal (max 300 words). The notes will be evaluated by the organizing committee.
Please send an abstract (max 300 words) and a short bio (max 100 words) to the conference organizers at by Saturday 20th July 2024.
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg , Pisa Baptisterium, available here