World Digital Preservation Day (WDPD) is held on the first Thursday of every November. This year we celebrate all things digital preservation on 5th November 2020!
With the theme 'Digits: for Good,' World Digital Preservation Day 2020 is an opportunity to connect the digital preservation community and celebrate the positive impact digital preservation has, for good – or at least for as long as required.
This year especially 'Digits: for Good' refers to the hard work, resilience, and responsiveness of our colleagues which will enable research and development data used in finding a vaccine for COVID-19 to be preserved, shared and studied; it represents the fact that decision making in the management of the pandemic will be captured for future generations; and it describes the support which will be available to organisations around the world as they work to sustain themselves through this unprecedented time. It also goes beyond the pandemic, to all of the exciting and essential digital preservation work taking place right now!
The aim of World Digital Preservation Day is to create greater awareness of digital preservation that will translate into a wider understanding which permeates all aspects of society – business, policy making, personal good practice.
Organised by the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and supported by digital preservation networks across the globe, World Digital Preservation Day is open to participation from anyone interested in securing our digital legacy - across all sectors and geographic locations, DPC Members and non-Members alike.
Data creators, curators, and consumers from around the world are invited to share their own 'Digits: for Good' stories through blog posts, social media posts, events and creative activities.
Head on to to find out how to participate!