We are very happy to announce that Bogdan-Florin Popovici, from the National Archives of Romania, has joined the Governing Board of the Archives Portal Europe Foundation.
Bogdan graduated from the Faculty of Archival Science in Bucharest, and holds a Ph.D. in History. He works for the National Archives of Romania, Brasov County Division performing the duties of records management supervision, historical archives processing, and digital transformation. He also works on training and teaching activities, in academic and professional environments, both nationally and internationally, and on the professional translations of standards. He is an active member of Experts Group for Archival Description (former Committee for Best Practices and Standards) of the International Council on Archives (since 2008), and he is a member of the International Institute for Archival Science from Trieste/Maribor.
He also has a blog: https://bogdanpopovici2008.wordpress.com/
Welcome on board Bogdan!