Today France celebrates the Prise de la Bastille, the event that started the French Revolution on the 14th of July 1789. Archives Portal Europe holds almost 4000 archival collections on the iconic prison-fortress, of which almost nothing is left today, but that was built in the 14th century. The Archives Portal Europe collection of the Bastille can be found here, with documents from more than 10 countries:
Below a few images to celebrate with our French friends!
1) Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, Sturm auf die Bastille. Available at
2) Archivo Histórico Nacional, Prise de la Bastille par les bourgeois et les braves gardes françaises. Available at
3) Het Utrechts Archief, Lettre à Hérault, lieutenant-général de police à Paris, avec note de Louvard à La Bastille (1730). Available at