Our Content Provider The National Jazz Archive (NJA) is seeking two new trustees with expertise respectively in archives and collection management, and fundraising.
The National Jazz Archive is a registered charity founded in 1988. It holds the UK’s finest collection of written, printed and visual material on jazz and related music from the 1920s to the present day together with an important collection of oral history recordings. Their vision is to develop, promote and share knowledge of their collection and to safeguard it for future generations.
The current board comprises 11 trustees, each with specialist expertise. Their financial position is reasonably sound. They are keen to develop further and build on their strengths, to increase diversity within NJA and our users, and to fill skill gaps on the board.
Trustees meet four times a year, for the most part by Zoom, and are expected to take an active role in subgroups and to support NJA events and activities. Trustees must commit to serving for a minimum of three years.
NJA is based at Loughton Library, Essex. There is a satellite archive at Birmingham City University. The operation at Loughton is supported by a part-time research archivist, a volunteer organiser, an IT consultant, a qualified archivist consultant and by an enthusiastic team of volunteers.
What they are looking for:
You will ideally have an understanding of archives, jazz and/or cultural heritage. You will have experience of team-working, an understanding of operational issues and a willingness to be hands-on. You will have experience of one of the following:
- Archives and collection management
- Fundraising
Please note that these are voluntary positions and are not remunerated. The NJA can assist with reasonable expenses incurred in undertaking NJA business away from Loughton Library.
How to apply:
Please send an email outlining the skills and experience you would bring to the NJA. Explain why you would like to join the NJA and your interest in one of the positions. Please also confirm that there are no reasons, to your knowledge, that would disqualify you from becoming a charity trustee.Applications should be emailed to chair@nationaljazzarchive.org.uk.The closing date is Wednesday 31 March 2021.