Useful links

Digital tools for historians

Ad Fontes -- a learning programme of the University of Zurich for all those who work with historical materials.

Calendrier Révolutionnaire -- tool to convert dates of the French Revolution calendar

Finland, prisoners of war and human surrenders -- database of Soviet prisoners of war in Finland during World War II

The Programming Historian -- tutorials and open-access coding for doing history in the digital age

Transkribus -- an AI-powered text recognition and transcription software -- a digital calendar of ecclesiastical holidays in Norway, often used in old church books

National and regional archival portals


Fototeka -- Digital Collections of the National Archives of Albania

Bulgaria -- the portal of Bulgarian archives

ВОЙНИТЕ НА БЪЛГАРИЯ (1878–1945 г.), the Wars of Bulgaria -- a portal collecting documents on Bulgaria in the First and Second World War, and the Serbian - Bulgarian war

Belgium & Flanders

Archiefpunt -- a portal to archives from the Belgian region of Flanders


FranceArchives -- the national archival portal of France

Germany & German regions

Ariadne - Archivportal Mecklenburg-Vorpommern -- granting access to archives from the German region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Archion -- the portal of church records in Germany

Archivportal-D -- the repository of German-based archives and central access point for users interested in Germany's archival material

Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek -- cross-domain portal aggregating Germany's cultural heritage

Kalliope Verbund -- a union catalogue for collections of personal papers, manuscripts, and publishers' archives


Βικελαια - the archival portal of “Vikeleia” library, the oldes in Creete

Ψηφιακό Αρχείο 1821 (Digital Archive 1821) -- the portal of the documents related to the 1821 Greek Revolution

Ψηφιακή Πύλη Αρχείων για το 1922 (Digital Portal of Archives for 1922) -- a portal collecting the available archival sources from Greece on the Asia Minor Catastrophe and the efforts of the Hellenic state to resettle and assimilate refugees

Efimeris- the archival portal of the Greek newspapers “Efimeris”, set up by the National Library of Greece

Εθνικό Ευρετήριο Αρχείων (National Archive Index) -- the portal of the Greek Archives

DIGITESC PROJECT - a presentation of different sources for accessing and studying Greek manuscript held at the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Spain)

Library of the Hellenic Parliament Newspapers' archives

Σταφιδικη Κριση & Υπερατλαντικη Μεταναστευση (Raisin Crisis and Transatlantic migration) (Raisin Crisis and Transatlantic migration) -- a digital archives of migration from Greece to the US


DRI - Digital Repository Ireland -- The digital repository of Ireland


Archivio Digitale - the portal of Italian State Archives

BeWeb -- the repository of Church Archives in Italy

Camera - Italian Centre for Photography -- the Italian photographic archive

SAN - Sistema Archivistico Nazionale -- Italy's online gateway to public archives


Zaharia -- Zaharia Cusnir photo archive. The archive contains the visual history of a region and its people

North Macedonia -- digitised collections from the National Library of North Macedonia


Arkivportalen -- an online repository for Norwegian archives


Portal Português de Arquivos -- the portal granting access to Portuguese archival documents


Resurse -- online resources for Romanian Studies


Digitalna -- the digital collections of the National Library of Serbia

University of Belgrade University Library -- the digital library of the University of Belgrade

Spain and Latin America

Censo-Guía de Archivos de España e Iberoamérica -- providing information about Spanish and Latin American archival institutions

PARES - Portal de Archivos Españoles -- the portal of Spanish archival heritage


NAD - National Archives Database -- a database holding information about Swedish archival collections


Verbund Handschriften - Archive - Nachlässe (HAN) -- a Swiss portal for handwritten archival documents from the Middle Ages to current times

United Kingdom

Archives Hub -- the portal of archives from the United Kingdom

Your Scottish Archives -- the portal of archival collections across Scotland

Thematic cultural heritage portals

Arts & Music

Musical Instrument Museum Online - MIMO -- the online portal of musical instruments

Business & Economics

Wirtschaftsarchivportal -- an online directory of business archives in German-speaking countries

Church Registers and pre-modern documents

Matricula -- church registers (mostly books of birth, marriage and death) from various European countries (currently Austria, Germany, Poland, Serbia and Slovenia

Military History International Commission - a platform with information about military archives

Monasterium -- the portal of medieval and early modern charters

Colonialism and slavery

Global Archives Online - A directory of open digital collections for the study of colonial and global history

Slave Societies Digital Archives -- the portal preserves endangered ecclesiastical and secular documents related to Africans and African-descended peoples in slave societies

Jewish History

Jewish Heritage Network -- the portal of Jewish Heritage content

Yerusha -- European Jewish Archives Portal

World War II and the Holocaust

Aarolsen Archives -- International Centre on Nazi persecution

Blavatnik Archive -- a nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving and disseminating materials that contribute to the study of 20th-century Jewish and world history, with a special emphasis on World War I, World War II, and Soviet Russia

European Holocaust Research Infrastructure - EHRI -- the trans-national Holocaust research, commemoration and education digital centre

German Occupation - a portal of documents from 90+ archives about German occupation during World War II

Holocaust Sources in Context -- documents from everyday life during the Holocaust years

Audiovisual Heritage

Archivio Istituto Luce -- the major portal of historical Italian newsreels and films

Beeld en Geluid -- Sound and Vision, the Netherland's institute for media culture

Europeana Sounds -- a project to aggregate audio and audio-related material for Europeana

European Film Gateway -- historical films and related documents as preserved in European film archives and cinémathèques

EUscreen -- free online access to thousands of items of audiovisual heritage

Photoconsortium -- the network of photographic archives

TIB AV-Portal -- pan-European, domain-specific portal for science videos run by the Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology

Friends of Archives Portal Europe

CARARE, Connecting Archaeology and Architecture in Europe -- a non-profit association bringing together everyone with an interest in the archaeological and architectural heritage

DARIAH -- the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities aims to enhance and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) -- granting access to millions of materials from libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions across the United States

DLM Forum -- a community of public archives and interested parties from across government, commercial, academic and voluntary sectors who are active in information governance, including archives, records, document and information lifecycle management

Europeana -- the European digitised cultural heritage, of which Archives Portal Europe is an aggregator; the Europeana Initiative, together with its partners, is currently building the common European data space for cultural heritage

Europeana Fashion -- a best-practice network aggregating materials about Europe's history of fashion

European Archives Group -- the official archives expert group of the European Commission, supporter of Archives Portal Europe since the beginning together with the European Board of National Archivists (EBNA)

European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) -- the ECHOES (European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science) project is currently developing the Cloud as a shared platform designed to provide heritage professionals and researchers with access to data, scientific resources, training, and advanced digital tools tailored to their needs

European Digital Treasures -- a consortium that conceptualises and generates new business models for economic sustainability of the digitized heritage of archives

Eogan -- the oil and gas archives network

Icarus -- the international community of archival institutions operating in the digital era

International Council on Archives (ICA) -- the world archivists association

Manuscriptorium -- the digital library of written cultural heritage

MUSEU -- reference point for European museums and other cultural institutions hosting museum collections in the field of digital cultural heritage and aggregation for Europeana

OpenUp! -- network of European institutions from the natural history domain, providing multimedia objects to Europeana

Social Networks and Archival Context - SNAC -- a discovery service for persons, families, and organizations found within archival collections at cultural heritage institutions

Society of American Archivists (SAA) -- US American archives association responsible among other things for the maintenance and development of the international archival communication and exchange standards used in Archives Portal Europe

Time Machine -- Time Machine aims to join Europe’s rich past with up-to-date digital technologies and infrastructures, creating a collective digital information system mapping the European economic, social, cultural and geographical evolution across times

Trove -- the portal of Australian libraries, universities, museums, galleries and archives

UNESCO Memory of the World -- the UNESCO committee for the preservation of documentary heritage around the world

Website design, discovery, and other services

Archival Literacy Online Course -- a three-module introduction to working with archives developed by the European Digital Treasures project (currently available in English and Spanish), requires creating a free account for the Moodle e-Learning platform

eTranslation Building Block -- a machine translation tool developed under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme

eArchiving Building Block -- Information Package specifications describing a common format for storing bulk data and metadata in a platform-independent, authentic and long-term understandable way along with a set of sample software initially developed by the E-ARK project under the ICT Policy Support Programme (PSP) within the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)

Zooniverse -- the most famous online platform for crowd-sourced research

Archives Portal Europe help guide

Please select amongst the relevant tips we can help with. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Starting your search here will include all content available in Archives Portal Europe. Simply enter your keyword(s) and hit the search button. Wrap fixed expressions in quotation marks, e.g. “French Revolution”. Check the box to “Search each term separately” in case you are looking for documents containing at least one word, but not necessarily all keywords; this will also allow you to search for the same term in multiple languages at the same time (e.g. “French Revolution” “Révolution Française”). You can also use wildcards - find more about Research Tools here. If you would like to use more specific settings, try our Advanced search

The additional advanced search options give you the possibility to focus your search in:

  • archival documents (Search in archives),
  • names of person and organisations that created, worked with and maintained these documents (Search in names),
  • Institutions currently holding the documents (Search in institutions).

When searching with multiple terms at the same time, wrap fixed expressions in quotation marks (e.g. "French Revolution"), or check the box "Search each term separately" in case you are looking for either one term of the other. This will also allow you to search for the same term in multiple languages (e.g. "French Revolution" "Révolution française"). You can also choose one of the suggestions matching your search term once you start typing.

This will only show results that include documents that have been digitised and are available online

Use this option to search only one or more keywords, rather than all of them

Select where your search terms should appear specifically inside the archival description:

  • Title: search terms will appear in the title, or name, of the description
  • Content Summary: search terms will appear in the main description of the document or of the collection
  • Reference code: it is the identifier of the archival material as provided by the institution. Use this option if you know the exact reference code of the material you are looking for

You can filter results by selecting where your search terms appears specifically inside the archival description:

  • The name can be the full name of a person, family or organisation as well as only parts of it, e.g. only the last name.
  • The identifier is used internally by the institution or refers to (inter)national vocabularies such as the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).
  • The place can be the place of birth (or foundation), the place of death (or closing), the place of work or any other place of importance.
  • The occupation is the profession or job of a person.
  • The mandate is a law, directive or charter that establishes and defines an organisation's powers, functions, responsibilities or sphere of activities.
  • The function is an activity, role, or purpose performed or manifested by a person, family or organisation.

You can filter results by selecting where your search terms appears specifically inside the description of the archive:

  • Name: search term appears in the name of the institution. It can be the full name of an archival institution or only parts of it.
  • Place: search term appears in the address or area of the institution. It can be the city or town, where the archival institution is located or any other place of importance (e.g. previous locations)

  • A finding aid is a structured description of archival materials per collection or fonds, up to item level.
  • A holdings guide is an overview of the collections and fonds of one archival institution.
  • A source guide is a topic-oriented overview of collections and fonds of one or several institutions.
    You can filter by one or more entity types:
  • A person (e.g. John Locke, or Jean Jaques Rousseau);
  • A family (e.g. Bonaparte, or Helgason);
  • A corporate body, i.e. the name of an institution, organisation, or company (e.g. Ministerie van Justitie, or Electro Mecánica Antonio Armentano)

Please note that this filter will only include institutions, for which a type has been provided as part of their descriptions:

  • A business archive holds the records of (often) commercial organisations.
  • A church or religious archive holds the records of church parishes or religious organisations, e.g. birth or death registers.
  • A county or local authority archive holds the records of the county's administrative bodies.
  • A media archive holds audiovisual or sound records, e.g. a film archive or the archive of a broadcasting company.
  • A municipal archive holds the records of a town or city administration.
  • A national archive holds the records of a country's administrative bodies, i.e. from ministries and other public bodies, sometimes also private papers of former ministers, chancellors, or presidents.
  • A private person or family archive holds the records forming the legacy of a prominent person or family.
  • A regional archive holds the records of a region's administrative bodies.
  • A specialised governmental archive holds records of public bodies, often operating on a national level, that are not part of the national archives' holdings.
  • A specialised non-governmental archive or archive of another cultural heritage institution hold collections from various cultural heritage institutions, eg. museum archives, libraries archives, etc
  • A university archive or archive of another research organisation holds the records pertaining to the administration of the according educational or research body.
  • Political parties, popular/labour movements and other non-governmental organisations, associations, agencies and foundations hold the archival collections of these institutions, outside of governmental records and outside of business archives (e.g., NGOs)

Enter a start and/or end date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, i.e. 01-01-1900 for 1 January 1900. This will allow you to focus your search on a specific period of time. You can use the calendar function or type directly in the text field. The checkbox "Exact date search" concentrates the search on one specific date.

Check "View in context" to view the results in the hierarchical structure of archives.

  • Choose "List view" to view the results in a simple list, ordered according to relevance or date
  • Choose "Context view" to view the results in the hierarchical structure of the holding archives.

For more details see Research Tools

Please sign in to save your searches.

A holdings guide is an overview of the collections and fonds of one archival institution.

A finding aid is a structured description of archival materials per collection or fonds up to item level.

You can filter results by selecting one or more countries of interest. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by one or more holding archival institutions. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can select to view results from a specific Finding Aid, i.e., a structured description of archival materials per collection or fonds up to item level. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter by type of descriptive document:

  • "Holdings Guide": an overview of the collections and fonds of one archival institution.
  • "Source guide": a topic-oriented overview of collections and fonds of one or several institutions. a description of the archival collections available. Similar to Holdings guides
  • "Finding aid" provides more detailed descriptions of the archival materials of specific collections or fonds

You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting "Fonds description" for a general overview or "Other descriptions" for item level. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting only those containing digital objects, i.e. the link to the digitised version of the archival material you are looking for. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by type of digital object you are interested in:

  • Text: most documental material, such as administrative records, letters, manuscripts etc.
  • Image: includes photographs, posters, maps.
  • Sound: sound recording with no images
  • Video: moving images with or without sound
  • Unspecified: indicates that the holding institution has not specified the type of digital object
  • 3D: 3-d digital objects

You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results based on the date of creation of the archival material (which may differ from the time period you are interested in - e.g., philosophers from the Enlightenment period reflecting on classic thinkers)

  • Full dates includes normalised date information available for date-based searches. It is recommended to combine this selection with the filters "Start timespan" and "End timespan" for more details.
  • Only descriptive dates provides the date information in human-readable format.
  • No date either includes documents where the creation date is unknown, or where date information is not in a machine-readable format

Please note that not all documents contain a machine-readable date. More information here

You can filter results based on the date of creation of the archival material (which may differ from the time period you are interested in - e.g., philosophers from the Enlightenment period reflecting on classic thinkers). This filter will only include materials with "Full dates", i.e. those that include date information available for date-based searches. You can either search for a specific date of interest or focus step by step on the time span of a century, decade, year or month. When searching for a specific date, enter the date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, i.e. 01/01/1900 for 1 January 1900, via the calendar function or by typing directly in the text field.
This filter concentrates on the earliest dates mentioned in the materials.

You can filter results based on the date of creation of the archival material (which may differ from the time period you are interested in - e.g., philosophers from the Enlightenment period reflecting on classic thinkers). This filter will only include materials with "Full dates", i.e. those that include date information available for date-based searches. You can either search for a specific date of interest or focus step by step on the time span of a century, decade, year or month. When searching for a specific date, enter the date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, i.e. 01/01/1900 for 1 January 1900, via the calendar function or by typing directly in the text field.
This filter concentrates on the latest dates mentioned in the materials.

You can filter results based on the language in which the material is written. Please note that this filter will only include materials where specific language information has been provided by the institution and is therefore in a machine-readable format. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting one or more topics of interest. Please note that this filter will only include materials where the topic has been assigned and is therefore in a machine-readable format. Read how to assign a topic to documents on the Topics page. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting where your search terms appears specifically inside the archival description:

  • The name can be the full name of a person, family or organisation as well as only parts of it, e.g. only the last name.
  • The identifier is used internally by the institution or refers to (inter)national vocabularies such as the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).
  • The place can be the place of birth (or foundation), the place of death (or closing), the place of work or any other place of importance.
  • The occupation is the profession or job of a person
  • The mandate is a law, directive or charter that establishes and defines an organisation's powers, functions, responsibilities or sphere of activities.
  • The function is an activity, role, or purpose performed or manifested by a person, family or organisation

You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by type of entities:

  • Person (e.g., John Locke or Jean Jaques Rousseau)
  • Family (e.g., the family Bonaparte)
  • Corporate body (an institution, organisation, or company, e.g. the "Ministerie van Justitie")
You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results based on the language in which the material is written. Please note that this filter will only include materials where specific language information has been provided by the institution and is therefore in a machine-readable format. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results based on the type of holding institution. Please note that this filter will only include institutions, for which a type has been provided as part of their descriptions.

  • A business archive holds the records of (often) commercial organisations.
  • A church or religious archive holds the records of church parishes or religious organisations, e.g. birth or death registers.
  • A county or local authority archive holds the records of the county's administrative bodies.
  • A media archive holds audiovisual or sound records, e.g. a film archive or the archive of a broadcasting company.
  • A municipal archive holds the records of a town or city administration.
  • A national archive holds the records of a country's administrative bodies, i.e. from ministries and other public bodies, sometimes also private papers of former ministers, chancellors, or presidents.
  • A private person or family archive holds the records forming the legacy of a prominent person or family.
  • A regional archive holds the records of a region's administrative bodies.
  • A specialised governmental archive holds records of public bodies, often operating on a national level, that are not part of the national archives' holdings.
  • A specialised non-governmental archive or archive of another cultural heritage institution hold collections from various cultural heritage institutions, eg. museum archives, libraries archives, etc
  • A university archive or archive of another research organisation holds the records pertaining to the administration of the according educational or research body.
  • Political parties, popular/labour movements and other non-governmental organisations, associations, agencies and foundations hold the archival collections of these institutions, outside of governmental records and outside of business archives (e.g., NGOs)

Write your message in your own language and use this drop-down menu to have your message translated into English or in the language of the institution for a swifter response. By checking this box and selecting a language you will send your original message along with the translated version

What kind of suggestion would you like to make?

  • Assign to topic: assign this record to one of our Topics. Topics are created following the Unesco Thesaurus
  • Suggest translation: If you have translated this archival description or the documents themselves, please send it to us as a .doc or .pdf file
  • Connect to another resource: If this object relates to another resource in Archives Portal Europe, or anywhere else on the web (e.g., an article on Wikipedia), you can suggest it to be linked to this resource
  • Other: If you have any other relevant material, such as a transcription of the document, please upload it and let us know here

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