There are a few jobs available at some of our content providers and other archiving institutions:
FranceArchive, our national aggregator for France, publishes regularly all job offers from archives in France: you can follow them at this page
H-Soz-Kult is a German communication and information service platform for historical research. The "Opportunities" section is regularly updated with job offers in the field of historical research and memory institutions, including archival positions in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries: you can view the postings here. hosts all the academic positions based in the UK (and sometimes Europe)
Civil Services Jobs hosts all the archival and records management jobs in public archives and institutions in the UK
University of Bristol, Head of Engagement, deadline for applications is 19th September, more info here
University of Reading, Reading Room Assistant, deadline for applications is 22nd September, more info here
Science Museum Group, Cataloguer, deadline for applications is 22nd September, more info here