EAD3 in Archives Portal Europe

As a result of a cooperation between the Archives Portal Europe Foundation (APEF) and the Dutch project Digitale Taken Rijk (DTR), APEF started looking into a potential use of EAD3 in 2017/2018. The DTR-project – launched and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science – was set up to build a digital infrastructure and service organisation for the Dutch National Archives (Nationaal Archief) and eleven Dutch Regional Historical Centers (RHC’s, i.e. former State Archives in the Dutch provinces) and the intention was to re-use Archives Portal Europe as an aggregator for finding aids in this context. In addition to this, the DTR-project asked APEF to also enable the ingestion of additional finding aids and to publish the information of these additional finding aids as 'open data' via its API together with the finding aids' information.

You can read all about EAD3 in general on the standard's homepage hosted by the Library of Congress.

Finding a format for "additional finding aids"

But what are additional finding aids exactly and why use EAD3 for them? Well, most of the time the descriptive units of a finding aid describe the archival material only in a general way, although there is a wealth of information available in it, f.i. on events, persons, places, subjects, etc.. Often this information is available, but in a variety of formats: handwritten lists or indexes, card systems, different word processors, spreadsheets or database formats, etc., either made created alongside the actual archival material itself or later on by archivists, researchers and/or volunteers. All this information can be called "additional finding aid information". The variety of this information and the variety of the ways in which it is stored, makes it hard to determine a metadata format for it. However, it is worthwhile to explore possibilities for publishing this detailed information in a generic way, because it is important information for researchers.

The Archives Portal Europe team came up with the idea to use EAD/XML for additional finding aids, after all it is "finding aid" information and in principle this information could be stored in the EAD/XML finding aids, f.i. as an index within a descriptive unit. But that would result in huge EAD/XML files, which would probably generate performance problems when handling them, so it was considered a more suitable approach to create separate additional finding aids and link to them from within the descriptive unit of a finding aid they contain more information on.

More precisely, the Archives Portal Europe team decided to go for EAD3 as the format for the additional finding aids, because – like EAD2002/apeEAD – it is both structured and flexible, but – compared to EAD2002/apeEAD – it also enables tagging metadata in much more detail, so in a more meaningful way, f.i. by allowing to split up information on persons in parts. This made EAD3 a suitable candidate for tagging all sorts of additional finding aids, not only the ones on notary records, which the DTR-project wanted Archives Portal Europe to pilot with first, but also any other additional finding aid describing events, persons, places and subjects in detail, such as birth, marriage and death records, records of courts of law, etc.

This page documents the first attempt of using EAD3 as the result of the APEF-DTR cooperation, i.e. it represents the use of EAD3 with additional finding aids only, which was narrowed down even further to a particular type of additional finding aids (from now on shortened to: AFA), namely the ones on notary records. Nonetheless, the example detailed below offers 'tagging building blocks' which could be re-used for describing events, persons, places and subjects in other types of additional finding aids as much as possible. And the first (main) parts of an AFA could also be re-used for tagging a full finding aid (from now on shortened to: FA) in EAD3, which is why in this guideline the acronym "(A)FA" was used at times, indicating that what followed could be applicable for AFA-s as well as FA-s.

The sample files used

For illustration purposes, the FA no. NL-TbRAT-115, Inventaris van de notariële archieven Tilburg, 1577-1935, of the Regional Archives of Tilburg, a city in the south of The Netherlands, and in particular descriptive units number 916 and 871 will be used in the following paragraphs as an example; descriptive unit number 916 consists of an index on the notary records of notary C.J.M. Heufke, working in Tilburg in the period 1917-1935, and descriptive unit number 871 consists of the full records as described in the index of descriptive unit number 916.

Since opening up Notary records via AFA's can be done via two different approaches: either copying the information from an index on Notary records (in Dutch "Repertorium") to an AFA or copying the information of all full Notary record to an AFA (but in both approaches including links to the scans of the full Notary records), there are examples for both of these methods provided here along with sample files for both methods; for the first approach in two versions: a minimal and a maximal tagged one, so an AFA with only mandatory EAD3 elements and an AFA with all recommended EAD3 elements, and for the second approach only a maximal tagged one, because this one is aimed at describing full Notary records in detail anyway:

In order to present you the full use cases, the scans of the material described in those sample files can be downloaded here:

  • for the sample AFA NL-TbRAT-115_916 only one scan of this index ("Repertorium") was used: page 1, listing the first twenty Notary records:

Linking a descriptive unit of an FA to an AFA

The concept of AFA-s describing descriptive units of FA-s in more detail is shown in the presentation on the APEF-DTR cooperation. The idea is to put a link to the accompanying AFA in the element otherfindaid of the descriptive unit of an FA (/ead/archdesc/dsc/c/otherfindaid), i.e. in EAD2002 or apeEAD this would look like this:

  <head>Additional Finding Aid</head>
    <extref xlink:href="[identifier of the AFA]">See Additional Finding Aid [identifier of the AFA]</extref>

The "href" has to contain the identifier of the AFA to which the link should point. It will be good practice to compose this identifier out of the identifier of the FA plus an underscore plus the identifier of the descriptive unit for which the AFA is meant, i.e. the identifier for an AFA of descriptive unit no. "916" of an FA with the identifier "NL-TbRAT-115" will be "NL-TbRAT-115_916".

For AFA-s in EAD2002 this identifier has to be put in: /ead/eadheader/eadid and in: /ead/archdesc/did/unitid, for AFA-s in apeEAD at least in: /ead/archdesc/did/unitid, and for AFA-s in EAD3 in: /ead/control/recordid and in: /ead/archdesc/did/unitid (preferably in both, but at least in the second).

For the FA and the AFA to be linked properly in Archives Portal Europe, the identifier for the AFA has to be exactly the same in the "href" of the link in the FA and in the location(s) for it in the AFA as described above. So for the example described above, the complete tagging would be:

  <head>Additional Finding Aid</head>
    <extref xlink:href="NL-TbRAT-115_916">See Additional Finding Aid NL-TbRAT-115_916</extref>

Note: EAD2002's extref is deprecated in EAD3 and therefore has to be replaced with ref (see the list of all deprecated and obsolete EAD 1.0 / EAD2002 elements and attributes). Hence in an FA in EAD3 such otherfindaid tagging would have to be:

  <head>Additional Finding Aid</head>
    <ref href="NL-TbRAT-115_916" actuate="onrequest" show="new">See Additional Finding Aid NL-TbRAT-115_916</ref>

Creating an (A)FA in EAD3

The EAD standard recommends a certain structure for the creation of FA-s, according to ISAD(G), the General International Standard Archival Description. Since the idea of this pilot project was to use EAD not only for FA-s, but also for AFA-s, the AFA-s will follow this structure too. However, since the general information on the archival fonds or collection, to which the descriptive unit represented by the AFA belongs to, is already available in the FA, the general parts of the AFA can be limited to the mandatory information. Therefore we will focus here on the necessary information for the general parts of an AFA.

Structure of a (A)FA in EAD3

The structure of an FA - and by consequence also an AFA - in EAD3 consists of the following parts:

  • The XML declaration and the indication of the character code the document is using:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • The root element <ead/> with namespace declarations and the location of the EAD3 schema:
<ead xmlns="http://ead3.archivists.org/schema/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
xsi:schemaLocation="http://ead3.archivists.org/schema/ http://www.archivesportaleurope.net/Portal/profiles/ead3.xsd">
  • The part /ead/control with information on the (A)FA itself (was previously - in EAD2002/apeEAD - the part: /ead/eadheader) --> see more details in the description of the main part 1 below.
  • The part /ead/archdesc with two main parts:
    • /ead/archdesc/did, containing information on the archival fonds or collection the (A)FA is describing --> see more details in the description of the main part 2a below
    • /ead/archdesc/dsc, containing the actual descriptions of the archival material (the descriptive units) --> see more details in the description of the main part 2b below

Main part 1 /EAD/CONTROL

The mandatory <control/>-element may have attributes to identify the values of authoritative sources used throughout the (A)FA:

Furthermore the mandatory parts of the /ead/control-part of an (A)FA in EAD3 are:

<control countryencoding="iso3166-1" dateencoding="iso8601" langencoding="iso639-2b" relatedencoding="iso15511" scriptencoding="iso15924">
  <maintenancestatus value=""/>
      <eventtype value=""/>
      <agenttype value=""/>

Recommended for an AFA as linked from within an FA are these elements:

RECORDID (mandatory)

The value for this element has to be the identifier of the AFA, preferably consisting of the identifier of the original FA it belongs to plus an underscore and the identifier of the descriptive unit it describes in detail. So, when creating an AFA for descriptive unit number 916 of FA NL-TbRAT-115, the identifier (ie recordid) of the AFA for this particular descriptive unit should ideally be: NL-TbRAT-115_916.



FILEDESC (mandatory)

This element is mandatory, is meant to contain all bibliographical information of the (A)FA, contains no value itself, but has to contain at least one element that is mandatory too: <titlestmt/>.


This element is mandatory, contains no value itself, but has to contain at least one element that is mandatory too: <titleproper/> and next to that two other optional elements might be useful for an AFA: <subtitle/> and <author/>.

  • <titleproper/>, mandatory, the value for this element has to be the title of the AFA, preferably consisting of the standard text "Additional Finding Aid for" (or: in Dutch: "Nadere toegang op" plus the value of the <titleproper/> of the original FA it belongs to plus the text "identifier" (or: in Dutch: "inventarisnummer") and then the identifier of the descriptive unit it describes in detail; so, when creating an AFA for descriptive unit number 916 of FA NL-TbRAT-115, the title (ie <titleproper/>) of the AFA for this particular descriptive unit should ideally be: "Nadere toegang op Inventaris van de notariële archieven Tilburg, 1577-1935, inventarisnummer 916".
  • <subtitle/>, optional, in this element a subtitle can be added, which might contain a concatenation of the <unittitle/> of the descriptive unit, preceded by the ones of the higher levels; so, in the case of the AFA NL-TbRAT-115_916 the value for this element would be: "C.J.M. HEUFKE, 1917-1935, Repertoires, 1917".
  • <author/>, optional, in this element an author can be added, which might contain the name of the author responsible for creating the AFA.


  <titleproper>Nadere toegang op Inventaris van de notariële archieven Tilburg, 1577-1935, inventarisnummer 916</titleproper>
  <subtitle>C.J.M. HEUFKE, 1917-1935, Repertoires, 1917</subtitle>
  <author>Wim van Dongen</author>


This element is optional, contains no value itself, but has to contain at least one element that is mandatory too: <publisher/> and next to that two other optional elements might be useful for an AFA: <date/> and <address/>. The purpose of this element is to provide information on the publisher of the AFA, most of the time this will be the archival institution that created the AFA and has published it on its website and/or on the Archives Portal Europe.

  • <publisher/>, mandatory, the value of this element has to be the name of the publisher, in most cases the name of the archival institution that publishes the AFA;
  • <date/>, optional, the value of this element has to be the date on which the AFA was published for the first time; this date can be normalised using the attributes @calendar, @era and @normal;
  • <address/>, optional, the value of this element has to be the address of the publisher of the AFA, in most cases the address of the archival institution that publishes the AFA; this information has to be added in the sub-element <addressline/> and this sub-element can be repeated, f.i. one for the name of the street, one for the name of the place and one for the name of the country, etc.


  <publisher>Regionaal Archief Tilburg</publisher>
  <date calendar="gregorian" era="ce" normal="20160920">20 september 2016</date>
    <addressline>Kazernehof 75</addressline>
    <addressline>5017 EV Tilburg</addressline>


This is an optional element via which the publisher of the AFA, most of the time the archival institution that created the AFA and has published it on its website and/or on the Archives Portal Europe, can add a notification, f.i. on the license under which the AFA is published, this element will always need the sub-elements <controlnote/> and <p/>:


    <p>This Additonal Finding Aid is published under <ref show="new" actuate="onrequest" 
    href="http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/">CC0 license.</ref></p>


This mandatory element has to show the status of the AFA. It has a mandatory attribute "value" which has to be filled with "new" or "revised"; it doesn't require any other attribute, nor sub-elements.


<maintenancestatus value="new"/>


This mandatory element has to show the identifier and the name of the "agency" or (archival) institution that is responsible for maintaining the AFA. The mandatory sub-element <agencycode/> has to contain the identifier for the institution, preferably as an ISIL-code, and the mandatory sub-element <agencyname/> has to contain the name of the institution; it's recommended - not mandatory - to use the attribute @countrycode for the main element "maintenanceagency", containing the code for the country the agency is located in, according to ISO 3166-1.


<maintenanceagency countrycode=NL">
  <agencyname>Regionaal Archief Tilburg</agencyname>


The this element is mandatory, it is used to indicate in which language the AFA is written, which is important in a multilingual environment such as the Archives Portal Europe; it should contain a sub-element <language/> with a mandatory attribute @langcode which has to contain the code for the language used according to ISO 639-2b, and a sub-element <script/> with a mandatory attribute @scriptcode, which has to contain the code for the character set according to ISO 15924. Although not mandatory, it is highly recommended to state explain values the @langcode and @scriptcode in the respective sub-elements <language/> and <script/>, but this information might also be explained in an optional sub-element <descriptivenote/>, using a <p/>-element.


  <language langcode="dut">Dutch</language>
  <script scriptcode="Latn">Latin</script>
    <p>This additional finding aid is written in Dutch.</p>

LOCALTYPEDECLARATION (optional for EAD3, but recommended for (A)FA's using this guideline)

Although this element is optional, it is highly recommended for (A)FA's that are to be ingested in the Archives Portal Europe and that will be based on this implementation guideline, because it offers a possibility to declare and specify the conventions (controlled vocabularies) that are recommended in this guideline for the attribute @localtype (as well as the attribute @relator, see below) within various elements of EAD3.

This element should contain the sub-elements <abbr/> and <citation/> to state the acronym for the convention (controlled vocabulary) used and a link to the online presentation of it, including the official name for it. More information on the convention or controlled vocabulary can be put in an optional sub-element <descriptivenote/> using a <p/>-element.


  <citation href="http://www.archivesportaleuropefoundation.eu/xs_profiles/ead3_apetypes.xml" linktitle="Archives Portal Europe EAD3 @localtype
  and @relator values" actuate="onload" show="new">Convention for values of EAD3 @localtype and @relator used by the Archives Portal
    <p>This convention is maintained by the Working Group on Standards (WGoS) of the Archives Portal Europe Foundation (APEF).</p>

Note: when using the attribute @localtype in any EAD3 element/sub-element, it is good practise to use the acronym for the convention or controlled vocabulary in another attribute @rules --> see below.

Note: the first draft of the document "Convention for values of EAD3 @localtype and @relator used by the Archives Portal Europe" can be found here.


This mandatory element has to contain all relevant information on the creation of the (A)FA, and on all changes and revisions of the document afterwards. Each of these events have to be documented in a separate sub-element <maintenanceevent/>, which has to have four mandatory sub-elements and can have one optional sub-element:

  • <eventtype/>, mandatory, just containing an attribute @value for describing the nature of the event and which may have one of these values: "cancelled", "created", "deleted", "derived", "revised", "unknown", "updated";
  • <eventdatetime/>, mandatory, indicating the date and time of the event, containing as mandatory attribute @standarddatetime for normalising the date and time according to ISO 8601;
  • <agenttype/>, mandatory, just containing an attribute @value for indicating the type of agent that was responsible for the creation or change and/or revision of the document, which may have one of these values: "human", "machine" or "unknown";
  • <agent/>, mandatory, for registering the name of the agent (the name of a person, institution or system) resposible for the creation or change/revision of the document;
  • <eventdescription/>, optional, in which a description of the event can be put.


    <eventtype value="created"/>
    <eventdatetime standarddatetime="2016-09-20T14:23:42-05:00">20 september 2016</eventdatetime>
    <agenttype value="human"/>
    <agent>Wim van Dongen</agent>
    <eventdescription>Creation of this Additional Finding Aid</eventdescription>

Main part 2a /EAD/ARCHDESC/DID

In the case of an AFA the element <archdesc/> needs to have the value "file" for the attribute @level and we recommend to also use the attribute @localtype with the value: "afa" to enable the Archives Portal Europe's sytem to recognise this particular document type:

<archdesc level="file" @localtype="afa">

The element <archdesc/> consists of two main parts: <did/> and <dsc/>; the <did/>-part contains general information on the descriptive unit the AFA describes and the <dsc/>-part contains the actual detailed information of the AFA, so the content of the descriptive unit in detail.

The mandatory elements of the /ead/archdesc/did-part of an EAD3 FA are: at least one element of this list: abstract, container, dao, daoset, didnote, head, langmaterial, materialspec, origination, physdesc, physdescset, physdesc, physdescstructured, physloc, repository, unitdate, unitdatestructured, unitid, unittitle and of course all their dependencies.

For an AFA the following elements are recommended: abstract, head, langmaterial, origination, repository, unitdate, unitid and unittitle (and of those it would be best to at least use these elements as a minimum set: langmaterial, origination, unitdate, unitid,unittitle):


HEAD (optional for EAD3 and for an AFA)

This optional element can contain a title indicating the content of this part of the (A)FA, f.i.: "General descriptive unit description" or (in Dutch): "Algemene archiefbestanddeel beschrijving".


<head>General descriptive unit description</head>

UNITTITLE (optional for EAD3, but mandatory for an AFA)

This element has to contain the title of the descriptive unit it describes in more detail, if necessary preceded by the content of the <unittitle/>'s of the higher levels of the descriptive unit in the original FA it belongs too; in the case of the AFA NL-TbRAT-115_916 this would be: "C.J.M. HEUFKE, 1917-1935, Repertoires, 1917." (so in fact the same information as could be used for the element <subtitle/> --> see above).


<unittitle>C.J.M. HEUFKE, 1917-1935, Repertoires, 1917</unittitle>

UNITID (optional for EAD3, but mandatory for an AFA)

The value for this element has to be the identifier of the (A)FA, preferably consisting of the identifier of the original FA it belongs to plus an underscore and the identifier of the descriptive unit it describes in detail; in the case of the AFA for descriptive unit no. 916 of the FA NL-TbRAT-115 this would be: NL-TbRAT-115_916 (so in fact the same information as used for the element <recordid/> --> see above).

As an option the attribute @identifier can be added to this element, which can contain a link to a persistent identifier, f.i. for pointing the end-user to the presentation of this information on the website of the content provider.


<unitid identifier="http://proxy.handle.net/013/eb79aebe-4c7d-4282-ab49013">NL-TbRAT-115_916</unitid>

Note: this is an example of a persistent identifier according to the Handle System, but over here it's a fake one.

UNITDATE (optional for EAD3, but mandatory for an AFA)

The value for this element has to be the date of the descriptive unit, so in the case of the AFA NL-TbRAT-115_916 this would be: "1 januari 1917 - 21 mei 1917". The <unitdate/> can contain a few attributes of which only one is mandatory:

  • @calendar, optional, indicating the system used for registering time, this attribute can contain as values: "gregorian" or "julian", most of the time "gregorian" will have to be used;
  • @era, optional, indicating the period of time during which the dates were used, this attribute can contain as values: "ce" (= common era) or "bce" (= before common era), most of the time "ce" will have to be used;
  • @normal, mandatory, containing the standardised form of the date according to the ISO 8601 standard.


<unitdate calendar="gregorian" era="ce" normal="1917-01-01/1917-05-21">1 januari 1917 - 21 mei 1917</unitdate>

Note: EAD3 allows a more sophisticated date range tagging now, using the element <unitdatestructured/>, having the possibility to use an attribute like @unitdatetype (with as possible values: "bulk" and "inclusive") and the sub-elements <daterange/> and <fromdate/> and <todate/> (which can be normalised using the attribute @standarddate and the ISO 8601 standard); feel free to use it, but for now the Archives Portal Europe will stick to the "legacy" tagging.


<unitdatestructured unitdatetype="inclusive">
                <fromdate standarddate="1917-01-01">1 januari 1917</fromdate>
                <todate standarddate="1917-05-21">21 mei 1917</todate>

REPOSITORY (optional for EAD3, but mandatory for an AFA)

This element has to contain the name of the archival institution that holds the archival material described in the (A)FA; in the case of the AFA NL-TbRAT-115_916 this is: "Regionaal Archief Tilburg"; this name has to be put in the sub-elements <corpname/> and <part/>.


    <part>Regionaal Archief Tilburg</part>

Note: of course it's possible to use more than one <part/>-element for repository identification, f.i. to also provide the address and the location of the repository separately.

LANGMATERIAL (optional for EAD3 but mandatory for an AFA)

This optional element provides a possibility to describe the language of the archival material in detail. it should contain a sub-element <languageset/> with a mandatory attribute @langcode which has to contain the code for the language used according to ISO 639-2b, and a sub-element <script/> with a mandatory attribute @scriptcode which has to contain the code for the character set according to ISO 15924. Although not mandatory, the value of the @langcode and @scriptcode could be stated as value for the respective sub-elements <language/> and <script/>, but they might also be explained in an optional sub-element <descriptivenote/>, using a <p/>-element.


    <language langcode="dut">Dutch</language>
    <script scriptcode="Latn">Latin</script>
      <p>The documents are written in Old Dutch.</p>

Note: if the archival material contains documents in more than one language, the element-set <languageset/> could be repeated; in that case it would be good practise to state at c-level what documents are in what language, using this same element <langmaterial/>.

ORIGINATION (optional for EAD3, but mandatory for an AFA)

This element has to contain information on the entity (a corporate body, a family or a person) that was responsible for creating the archival material. This element may contain a sub-element to indicate these entities: <corpname/>, <famname/> or <persname/> (and also the more general: <name/>).

These sub-elements may contain attributes which are not mandatory but highly recommended for AFA's; for these entity sub-elements these attributes are recommended: @identifier, @relator and @rules, and for the sub-element <part/> within those entity sub-elements these attributes are recommended: @localtype and @rules:

  • @identifier, optional, the value could be an identifier to an external source or authority file system, describing the same entity, so a uri or url; it could also be the identifier for a file that is already in the Archives Portal Europe, then it will act as an internal reference and in that case just providing the identifier of that other file is enough as value for this attribute (so in that case no uri or url is needed);
  • @localtype, optional, a way to define the value of the element it belongs to in a more semantic way; the values which can be used for @localtype should be defined in a general document to which <localtypedeclaration/> is pointing (see above) and can be applied to a lot of EAD3 elements;
  • @relator, optional, a way to define the role of the entity that is being described; the values which can be used for @relator should be defined in a general document; this can be dealt with within the document for defining the values for @localtype;
  • @rules, optional, pointing to the general document which is used for defining the values of @localtype (and @relator), so the value must be the same as the value of <abbr/> within <localtypedeclaration/>, so: "aperules" (see above).;
  • @lang, optional, indicating the language the values of the elements used are written in according to the ISO 639-2b standard, so for Dutch this will be: @lang="dut".


  <persname identifier="123456" relator="creator" rules="apetypes">
    <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Christoffel Johan Meindert Heufke</part>
    <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Christoffel Johan Meindert</part>
    <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Heufke</part>
    <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
    <part localtype="business-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Tilburg</part>
    <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">kandidaat notaris</part>
    <part localtype="dates" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">1 januari 1917 - 21 mei 1917</part>

Note: the example above shows the use of @identifier as an internal link (for use within the Archives Portal Europe), f.i. in case the Regional Archives of Tilburg also have an EAC-CPF file on Christoffel Johan Meindert Heufke available in the portal (having as identifier "123456", which would be placed in <recordId/> in an EAC-CPF file); if this is not the case and such a file is available somewhere else, then the value of @identifier would have to contain the uri or url to that file, f.i. @identifier="http://www.regionaalarchieftilburg.nl/archiefvormers/78910" (which is a fake url, just for the example).

Note: the EAD3 element <part/> doesn't allow the attribute @normal at the moment, nor does it allow <date/> as sub-element; however, a change request has been registered which will probably lead to allow the sub-element <date/> within <part/>, which will lead to the possibility to normalise dates within <part/>; from that moment on, the above mentioned <part localtype="dates"/> can be changed into:

<part localtype="dates" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">
    <date @normal="1917-01-01/1917-05-27">1 januari 1917 - 21 mei 1917</date>

ABSTRACT (optional for EAD3 and for an AFA)

This optional element could contain a short description of the material described, as a further explanation of the value of <titleproper/> and <subtitle/> (see above) and it would be good practice to add the optional attribute @lang to this. For the AFA NL-TbRAT-115_916 this could be the description that is given on the first page of the descriptive unit.


<abstract lang="dut">Repertoire der Akten, verleden voor Christoffel Johan Meindert Huefke, candidaat notaris plaats vervanger te Tilburg, 
waarnemende het vacante kantoor van den overleden notaris Petrus Hubertus Loven, serdert den eersten Januari negentien hondert
zeventien tot en met een en twintig Mei negentien honderd zeventien.</abstract>

Main part 2b /EAD/ARCHDESC/DSC

The element <dsc/> itself can contain an attribute @dsctype, for which the values are limited to: "analyticover", "combined", "in-depth" and "otherdsctype"; for FA's usually "combined" can be applied, but for AFA's we recommend "in-depth".


<dsc dsctype="in-depth">

There are no mandatory elements for the /ead/archdesc/dsc-part of an EAD3 FA, but it can contain these elements: <blockquote/>, <c/>, <c01/> etc., <chronlist/>, <head/>, <list/>, <p/>, <table/>, <thead/>, and of course all their dependencies.

For an AFA we recommend to at least use the following elements: <c/>, <c01/> etc., <chronlist/>, <head/>, <p/>, and within those: <chronitem/>, <corpname/>, <did/>, <dao/>, <daoset/>, <datesingle/>, <event/>, <famname/>, <genreform/>, <geogname/>, <part/>, <persname/>, <scopecontent/>, <unitdate/>, <unitid/>, <unittitle/>, and all their possible dependencies of course.

ARCHDESC/DSC/HEAD (optional for EAD3 and for an AFA)

This optional element can contain a title indicating the content of this part of the (A)FA, f.i.: "Description of the descriptive unit in detail" or (in Dutch): "Beschrijving van het archiefbestanddeel in detail".


<head>Description of the descriptive unit in detail</head>

ARCHDESC/DSC/C (optional for EAD3, but mandatory for an AFA)

In the case of an AFA the element <c/> (or <c01/>, etc.) needs to have the value "item" for the attribute @level:

<c level="item">

Since opening up Notary records via AFA's can be done via two different approaches: either copying the information from an index on Notary records (in Dutch "Repertorium") to an AFA or copying the information of all full Notary records to an AFA (but in both approaches including links to the scans of the full Notary records), we will provide a separate guideline for these two methods here (see above)

ARCHDESC/DSC/C for an AFA describing an index on Notary records

A description at c-level of an AFA describing the items of an index ("Repertorium") on Notary records, so in fact an example of one item of an index ("Repertorium"), will look like this in an EAD3 AFA:

<c level="item">
    <unittitle lang="dut">Inventaris der nalatenschap van Ludovicus Broeckx overleden te 
    Bergen op Zoom 30 november 1916 door zijne weduwe Wilhelmina Adriana Anna Maria Stokkermans
        <part localtype="source" rules="apetypes" lang="eng">notary_record</part>                                
        <part localtype="type_record" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">minuut</part>
        <part localtype="subject_record" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">inventaris</part>
    <unitdate calendar="gregorian" era="ce" normal="1917-01-02">2 januari 1917</unitdate>
    <daoset coverage="part">
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail"
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1" 
      href="[url to full sized scan"/>
        <datesingle standarddate="1917-01-02">2 januari 1917</datesingle>
        <event localtype="inventaris">
          <persname relator="subject" rules="apetypes">
            <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Ludovicus Broeckx</part>
            <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Ludovicus</part>
            <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broeckx</part>
            <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
            <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">overledene</part>
            <part localtype="deathdate" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">30 november 1916</part>
          <persname relator="actor" rules="apetypes">
            <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Wilhelmina Adriana Anna Maria Stokkermans</part>
            <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Wilhelmina Adriana Anna Maria</part>
            <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Stokkermans</part>
            <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">vrouw</part>
            <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">weduwe</part>
          <geogname identifier="http://www.geonames.org/2746301">
            <geographiccoordinates coordinatesystem="WGS84">51.560596, 5.091914</geographiccoordinates>
            <part localtype="topic" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">nalatenschap</part>

As you can see it's recommended to use two parts for the information that has to be stored in the <c/> (or <c01/>, etc.) elements: <did/> and <scopecontent/>; the <did/>-part has to contain the general information on the item of the index ("Repertorium") it describes, including the full text as well as the links to the scans of the actual full Notary record, and the <scopecontent/>-part has to contain more detailed information on the event and the persons described in the item of the index ("Repertorium").

ARCHDESC/DSC/C/DID for an AFA decribing an index on Notary records

The /archdesc/dsc/c/did-element for an AFA describing an item of an index on Notary records has to contain at least these elements: <unitid/>, <unittitle/>, <unitdate/> and <daoset/>, including their dependencies:

This element has to contain the number of the item in the index ("Repertorium"):



This element has to contain the full text of the item in the index ("Repertorium") and furthermore it's recommended to add the attribute @lang indicating the language of the description. It has to contain the sub-element <genreform/>, consisting of at least one sub-element <part/>, having an attribute @localtype, with as value "source", which enables specifying the kind of AFA record that is being described; if needed the AFA record can be described in more detail by adding extra information in more <part/> sub-elements.

Following the localtype values list, for describing Notary records, the <part/> sub-element with @localtype="source" has to contain the value "notary_record", a second <part/> sub-element has to have as @localtype value: "type_record" and the value for the Dutch Notary records for this <part/> has to be either: "brevet" or "minuut" (this is an administrative distinction between types of Notary records), and a third <part/> sub-element has to have as @localtype value "subject_record" and the value for this <part/> can be derived from the localtype values list and tells something about the subject of the Notary record; for the example, the subject of the Notary record is: "inventaris", which is Dutch for "inventory", because it's about drafting an inventory of the belongings of a deceased person.

For identifying the list of @localtype values, the attribute @rules has to be added and it is also recommended to use the attribute @lang for indicating the language of these values.


<unittitle lang="dut">Inventaris der nalatenschap van Ludovicus Broeckx overleden te Bergen op Zoom
30 november 1916 door zijne weduwe Wilhelmina Adriana Anna Maria Stokkermans
    <part localtype="source" rules="apetypes" lang="eng">notary_record</part> 
    <part localtype="type_record" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">minuut</part>
    <part localtype="subject_record" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">inventaris</part>

The value for this element has to be the date of the item in the index ("Repertorium"), so the date of the actual Notary record; the <unitdate/> can contain a few attributes of which only one is mandatory:

  • @calendar, optional, indicating the system used for registering time, this attribute can contain as values: "gregorian" or "julian", most of the time "gregorian" will have to be used;
  • @era, optional, indicating the period of time during which the dates were used, this attribute can contain as values: "ce" (= common era) or "bce" (= before common era), most of the time "ce" will have to be used;
  • @normal, mandatory, containing the standardised form of the date according to the ISO 8601 standard.


<unitdate calendar="gregorian" era="ce" normal="1917-01-02">2 januari 1917</unitdate>

Note: see for more possibilities to 'tag' dates and date ranges and their normalisation above.

This element is meant to contain links to the scans of the actual Notary record; per scan two links are recommended: one to a thumbnail of the scan and one to the full sized scan (as presented on the website of the Archives Portal Europe's content provider), but only the second one is mandatory. In case a full Notary record has more than one scan (so has more than one page/folio), then per scan this set of two links (of which - again - only the second one is mandatory) has to be provided.

The element <daoset/> itself can contain several optional attributes of which one in particular is recommended: @coverage, for which the values are limited to: "part" and "whole"; for describing items in AFA's usually "part" will have to be applied, because the links within the <daoset/>-element point to only a part of a whole set of scans.


<daoset coverage="part">

Within the element <daoset/> the sub-element <dao/> has to be used for each link to a scan, whether to the thumbnail of the scan or the full sized scan; the sub-element <dao/> can contain the following attributes:

  • @daotype, this mandatory attribute indicates the origin of a digital object: born digital, or a scan of a non digital record; this attribute can contain four different values: "borndigital", "derived", "otherdaotype", "unknown"; for digitised material to be linked to an AFA, the value: "derived" has to be used;
  • @coverage,
  • @actuate, this attribute is meant to define how the link to a scan should be presented; it can contain two values: "onload" and "onrequest"; the first value is used for a link to a thumbnail and the second one is used for a link to a full sized scan (so a thumbnail should always be shown, and a full sized scan only when a user asks for it);
  • @show, this attribute is always used in combination with the previous one (@actuate); it can contain four values: "new", "replace", "embed", "other" and "none"; the value "embed" is used for a link to a thumbnail and the value "new" is used for a link to a full sized scan;
  • @linktitle, this attribute can contain a caption for the scan to which the link points, so its value might be a Notary record number, a page or folio number; in case of a thumbnail being linked, the attribute should be used with the value "thumbnail"; by this, the display will pick up accordingly on the provision of a thumbnail to be shown as preview
  • @localtype, in the context of linking to digital objects for their presentation in the Archives Portal Europe, this attribute can define the sort of object that has been digitised; the possible values are: "IMAGE", "TEXT", "SOUND", "VIDEO", "3D", "UNSPECIFIED", and "METS";
  • @href, in the context of linking to digital objects, this attribute has to contain the url to the thumbnail or full sized scan, the latter as presented on the website of the Archives Portal Europe's content provider.


<daoset coverage="part">
  <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" localtype="TEXT"
  href="[url to thumbnail]"></dao>
  <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1" localtype="TEXT" 
  href="[url to full sized scan]"></dao>
ARCHDESC/DSC/C/SCOPECONTENT for an AFA decribing an index on Notary records

The /archdesc/dsc/c/scopecontent-element for an AFA describing an item of an index on Notary records can contain these elements: <blockquote/>, <chronlist/>, <head/>, <list/>, <p/>, <scopecontent/> and <table/>, including their dependencies.

For use within the /ead/archdesc/c/scopecontent-element of an AFA it's recommended to use the sub-element <chronlist/> and its sub-element <chronitem/>, which can contain the sub-elements: <chronitemset/>, <daterange/>, <dateset/>, <datesingle/>, <event/> and <geogname/>, and within <event/> it's not only possible to describe the nature of events, but also the persons, locations and objects related to them.

This element is a wrapper element for giving access to the (chronological) description of one or more significant events, which have to be described within its sub-element <chronitem/>.

This element is meant to connect a date (<datesingle/>) or date range (<daterange/>) with one or more <event/>'s and one or more geographical names (<geogname/>).

This element is meant to provide a date for the event described within <chronitem/>, most of the time it will be the same date as provided in the <unitdate/> within the /ead/archdesc/dsc/c/did-part of an AFA (see above); within <datesingle/> the normalisation of the date takes place via the attribute @standarddate:


<datesingle standarddate="1907-01-02">2 januari 1917</datesingle>

This element is meant to provide a date range for the event described within <chronitem/> and it can contain the sub-elements <fromdate/> and <todate/> and of course these can be normalised using the attribute @standarddate:

        <fromdate @standarddate="1917-01-01>1 januari 1917</fromdate>
        <todate @standarddate="1917-05-21>21 mei 1917</todate>

This element is meant to describe an event in full detail including persons, locations and objects involved; it can contain the following sub-elements: <abbr/>, <corpname/>, <date/>, <emph/>, <expan/>, <famname/>, <footnote/>, <foreign/>, <function/>, <genreform/>, <geogname/>, <lb/>, <list/>, <name/>, <num/>, <occupation/>, <persname/>, <ptr/>, <quote/>, <subject/>, <title/>.

For an AFA the following sub-elements are recommended: <corpname/>, <famname/>, <geogname/>, <name/>, <persname/> and <subject/>.

The element <event/> itself doesn't have to contain a value, only an attribute @localtype (mandatory for AFA's), for storing information on which kind of an event is described; for an AFA on Notary records this will have to be the same value as the one for /ead/archdesc/dsc/c/did/unittitle//genreform/part @localtype="subject_record" (see above), so in the case of the example: "inventaris".


<event localtype="inventaris">

For these elements goes the same as what has been stated for them when describing their use within /ead/archdesc/did/origination (see above); of course these elements can occur more than once within <event/>; within an AFA most of the time <persname/> will be used:


<persname relator="subject" rules="apetypes">
  <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Ludovicus Broeckx</part>
  <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Ludovicus</part>
  <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broeckx</part>
  <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
  <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">overledene</part>
  <part localtype="deathdate" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">30 november 1916</part>
<persname relator="actor" rules="apetypes">
  <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Wilhelmina Adriana Maria Stokkermans</part>
  <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Wilhelmina Adriana Anna Maria</part>
  <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Stokkermans</part>
  <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">vrouw</part>
  <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">weduwe</part>

Note: see for all possible values of the attribute @relator and of the attribute @localtype of the sub-element <part/> the localtype values list.

If you come across a list of items, f.i. an inventory of a house or a list of debts, then you can use the sub-element <list/>, which can have as attribute @listtype to indicate what kind of list it is: "deflist", "ordered" or "unordered", which might have a <head/>-element for indicating what the list is all about, and must have one or more <item/>-elements containing the items of the list.


<list listtype="unordered">
  <item>drie obligatiën nieuwe Koninklijke Harmonie ieder groot vijftig gulden, genummerd 353-352-1, met de coupons van 
        vijftien October aanstaande en talons.</item>
  <item>schuldbekentenis ten laste van den heer Adrianus Broekx van Alphen, comparant sub II, groot vijf duizend gulden rentende
        vier percent 's jaars per een november, onder borgtocht van den heer Antonius Josephus Broekx comparant sub III voor de betaling
        der rente. Omtrent deze obligatie verklaarde de aangeefster dat daarvan de rente over de jaren negentienhonderd dertien en volgende
        niet is betaald.</item>
  <item>schuldbekentenis ten laste van den heer Josephus Maria Broekx, comparant sub IV, groot drie duizend gulden, rentende vier
        percent 's jaars op vijf en twintig April, waaromtrent de aangeefster verklaarde dat hiervan de rente sedert den laatsten vervaldag
        schuldig is.</item>
  <item>schuldbekentenis ten laste van den heer Hubert Stokkermans bloemist te Tilburg groot drie honderd zesentwintig gulden twintig
        cent, rentende drie percent 's jaars op twintig Januari, waaromtrent de aangeefster verklaarde dat deze rente sedert het ontstaan
        der vordering in achttien honderd vijf en negentig schuldig is</item>
  <item>schuldbekentenis ten laste van den heer Alphonse Josephus van den Brekel comparant sub V wegens saldo van rekening zes honderd
        negen en dertig gulden twee en zeventig en een halve cent.</item>

This element is meant to contain the geographical name at which the event took place; for Notary records this will most of the time be the location of the Notary office; it can have several optional attributes, among which @identifier is the most useful, so recommended one, for storing a uri or url to controlled vocabularies or authority file systems, like http://www.geonames.org/.

Furthermore it has to contain a mandatory sub-element <part/> in which the name of the geographical location has to be stored and this sub-element can be used more than once, f.i. for complicated geographical names; it can also contain the optional sub-element <geographiccoordinates/>, using the attribute @coordinatesystem, in which the exact coordinates of the geographical name can be stored:


<geogname identifier="http://www.geonames.org/2746301">
  <geographiccoordinates coordinatesystem="WGS84">51.560596, 5.091914</geographiccoordinates>

Note: tools for getting geographical coordinates of a place are: https://itouchmap.com/latlong.html and http://twcc.fr.

This element is meant to describe topics that are referred to in the Notary records; it can have as attributes @localtype and @identifier, for indicating the type of topic and connect it to controlled vocabularies or authority file systems; it has to contain (mandatory) one or more sub-elements <part/> in which the topic term can be stored, as a whole or in parts in case of complicated topics.

Next to the attributes @localtype and @rules, it's recommended to also use the attribute @lang to indicate the language of the description.


  <part localtype="topic" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">nalatenschap</part>

Note: see for all possible values of the attribute @localtype and of the sub-element <part/> the localtype values list.

ARCHDESC/DSC/C, /DID and /SCOPECONTENT for an AFA decribing all full Notary records

Basically creating an AFA describing all full Notary records at c-level, so in fact providing one full Notary record description per c-level, comes down to re-using all the different parts of an (A)FA as described above, only this time using these to provide much more detail.

Note: if there is an index ("Repertorium") available for a set of full Notary records that are to be described, then it's recommended to re-use the descriptions of the index ("Repertorium") for the <untittitle/>'s of the individual full Notary records.

Here is an example of a c-level in EAD3 of an AFA describing all Notary records in full detail:

  • since Notary record number 1 of the sample file NL-TbRAT-115_871 (see above) consists of nine scans, the /EAD/ARCHDESC/DSC/C/DID-part will look like this:
<c level="item">
    <unittitle lang="dut">Inventaris der nalatenschap van Ludovicus Broeckx overleden 
    te Bergen op Zoom 30 november 1916 door zijne weduwe Wilhelmina Adriana Anna Maria Stokkermans
        <part localtype="source" rules="apetypes" lang="eng">notary_record</part>
        <part localtype="type_record" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">minuut</part>
        <part localtype="subject_record" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">inventaris</part>
    <unitdate calendar="gregorian" era="ce" normal="1917-01-02">2 januari 1917</unitdate>
    <daoset coverage="part">
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" 
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1, folio 1"
      localtype="fullsize" href="[url to full sized scan]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" 
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1, folio 2"
      localtype="fullsize" href="[url to full sized scan]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" 
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1, folio 3"
      localtype="fullsize" href="[url to full sized scan]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" 
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1, folio 4"
      localtype="fullsize" href="[url to full sized scan]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" 
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1, folio 5"
      localtype="fullsize" href="[url to full sized scan]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" 
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1, folio 6" 
      localtype="fullsize" href="[url to full sized scan]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" 
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1, folio 7"
      localtype="fullsize" href="[url to full sized scan]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" 
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1, folio 8"
      localtype="fullsize" href="[url to full sized scan]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onload" show="embed" linktitle="thumbnail" 
      href="[url to thumbnail]"/>
      <dao daotype="derived" coverage="part" actuate="onrequest" show="new" linktitle="akte no. 1, folio 9"
      localtype="fullsize" href="[url to full sized scan]"/>
  • since Notary record number 1 of the sample file NL-TbRAT-115_871 (see above) contains a lot more information on persons compared to whats stated about this record in the index ("Repertorium"), NL-TbRAT-115_971 (see above), the /EAD/ARCHDESC/DSC/C/SCOPECONTENT-part will look like this:
      <datesingle standarddate="1917-01-02">2 januari 1917</datesingle>
      <event localtype="inventaris">
        <persname relator="actor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Wilhelmina Adriana Anna Maria Stokkermans</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Wilhelmina Adriana Anna Maria</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Stokkermans</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">vrouw</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">geen</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Bergen op Zoom</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">tweede vrouw en weduwe van Ludovicus Broekx</part>
          <part localtype="remark" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">comparant I</part>
        <persname relator="creditor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Adrianus Cornelis Maria Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Adrianus Cornelis Maria</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broekx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">geen</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Teteringen</part>
          <part localtype="remark" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">comparant II</part>
        <persname relator="creditor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Antonius Josephus Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Antonius Josephus</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broekx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">hotelhouder</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Tilburg</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">lasthebber van eerwaarde zuster Maria Louisa 
          Josephina Broekx</part>
          <part localtype="remark" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">comparant III</part>
        <persname relator="creditor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Maria Louisa Josephina Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Maria Louisa Josephina</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broekx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">vrouw</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">religieuze</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Antwerpen</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">lastgever aan Antonius Josephus Broekx</part>
        <persname relator="creditor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Josephus Henri Emile Delhaye</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Josephus Henri Emile</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Delhaye</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="maritalstatus" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">zonder huwelijksvoorwaarden gehuwd met
          mejuffrouw Joanna Bernardina MariaBroekx</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">koopman</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Chicago</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">lasthebber van mejuffrouw Joanna Bernardina 
          Maria Broekx</part>
        <persname relator="creditor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Joanna Bernardina Maria Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Joanna Bernardina Maria</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broekx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">vrouw</part>
          <part localtype="maritalstatus" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">zonder huwelijksvoorwaarden gehuwd met
          Josephus Henri Emile Delhaye</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">lastgever aan Josephus Henri Emile</part>
        <persname relator="creditor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Joseph Maria Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Joseph Maria</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broekx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">koopman</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Hilversum</part>
          <part localtype="remark" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">comparant IV</part>
        <persname relator="creditor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Alphonse Josephus van den Brekel</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Alphonse Josephus</part>
          <part localtype="infix" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">van den</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Brekel</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="maritalstatus" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">zonder huwelijksvoorwaarden gehuwd met
          mejuffrouw Cornelia Maria Joanna Broekx</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">koopman</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Tilburg</part>
          <part localtype="remark" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">comparant V</part>
        <persname relator="creditor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Cornelia Maria Joanna Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Cornelia Maria Joanna</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broekx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">vrouw</part>
          <part localtype="maritalstatus" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">zonder huwelijksvoorwaarden gehuwd met
          Alphonse Josephus van den Brekel</part>
        <persname relator="subject" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Ludovicus Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Ludovicus</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">overledene, gehuwd geweest met Wilhelmina
          Adriana Anna Maria Stokkermans</part>
          <part localtype="deathdate" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">30 november 1916</part>
          <part localtype="deathplace" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Bergen op Zoom</part>
        <persname relator="subject_child" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Joanna Bernardina Maria Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Joanna Bernardina Maria</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">vrouw</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">nog in leven zijnd kind van de overledene</part>
        <persname relator="subject_child" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Adrianus Cornelius Maria Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Adrianus Cornelius Maria</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">nog in leven zijnd kind van de overledene</part>
        <persname relator="subject_child" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Antonius Joseph Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Antonius Joseph</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">nog in leven zijnd kind van de overledene</part>
        <persname relator="subject_child" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Joseph Maria Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Joseph Maria</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">nog in leven zijnd kind van de overledene</part>
        <persname relator="subject_child" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Maria Louisa Josephina Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Maria Louisa Josephina</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Broeckx</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">vrouw</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">nog in leven zijnd kind van de overledene</part>
        <persname relator="actor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Antonius Petrus Adrianus Storimans</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Antonius Petrus Adrianus</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Storimans</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">meubelmaker</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Bergen op Zoom</part>
          <part localtype="role" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">inboedel taxateur</part>
        <persname relator="creditor" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Hubert Stokkermans</part>
          <part localtype="firstname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Hubert</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Stokkermans</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">bloemist</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Tilburg</part>
        <persname relator="mentioned" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">J.N. de Pont</part>
          <part localtype="initials" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">J.N.</part>
          <part localtype="infix" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">de</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Pont</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">schoenfabrikant</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Tilburg</part>
          <part localtype="remark" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">huurder van een woonhuis in de Heuvelstraat
          Tilburg, kadastraal bekend als sectie M, nummer 2880</part>
        <persname relator="mentioned" rules="apetypes">
          <part localtype="persname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">B.H.C. de Pont</part>
          <part localtype="initials" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">B.H.C.</part>
          <part localtype="infix" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">de</part>
          <part localtype="lastname" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Pont</part>
          <part localtype="gender" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">man</part>
          <part localtype="occupation" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">schoenfabrikant</part>
          <part localtype="private-residence" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">Tilburg</part>
          <part localtype="remark" rules="apetypes" lang="dut">huurder van een woonhuis in de Heuvelstraat
          Tilburg, kadastraal bekend als sectie M, nummer 2880</part>
        <list listtype="unordered">
          <item>drie obligatiën nieuwe Koninklijke Harmonie ieder groot vijftig gulden, genummerd 353-352-1,
                                        met de coupons van vijftien October aanstaande en talons.</item>
          <item>schuldbekentenis ten laste van den heer Adrianus Broekx van Alphen, comparant sub II, groot
                                        vijf duizend gulden rentende vier percent 's jaars per een november, onder borgtocht van den heer
                                        Antonius Josephus Broekx comparant sub III voor de betaling der rente. Omtrent deze obligatie 
                                        verklaarde de aangeefster dat daarvan de rente over de jaren negentienhonderd dertien en volgende 
                                        niet is betaald.</item>
          <item>schuldbekentenis ten laste van den heer Josephus Maria Broekx, comparant sub IV, groot drie
                                        duizend gulden, rentende vier percent 's jaars op vijf en twintig April, waaromtrent de aangeefster 
                                        verklaarde dat hiervan de rente sedert den laatsten vervaldag schuldig is.</item>
          <item>schuldbekentenis ten laste van den heer Hubert Stokkermans bloemist te Tilburg groot drie 
                                        honderd zesentwintig gulden twintig cent, rentende drie percent 's jaars op twintig Januari, 
                                        waaromtrent de aangeefster verklaarde dat deze rente sedert het ontstaan der vordering in achttien
                                        honderd vijf en negentig schuldig is</item>
          <item>schuldbekentenis ten laste van den heer Alphonse Josephus van den Brekel comparant sub V wegens
                                        saldo van rekening zes honderd negen en dertig gulden twee en zeventig en een halve cent.</item>
        <list listtype="unordered">
          <head>onroerende goederen te Tilburg</head>
          <item>Het gebouw aan de Spoorlaan ingericht voor hotel woonhuis en café-restaurant. Kadastraal
                                        bekend sectie nummer 3864 groot drie Arennaren en dertig Centiaren, hetwelk blijkens in den boedel
                                        voorhanden huurcontracten is verhuurd aan den heer Antonius Josephus Broekx voornoemd, tegen vijftien
                                        honderd gulden per jaar. Zijnde in dit huurcontract vermeld, dat de huurder het recht van koop heeft
                                        voor de som van dertig duizend gulden.</item>
          <item>De perceelen winkel en woonhuizen aan de Heuvelstraat te Tilburg, aldaar kadastraal bekend
                                        sectie M nummers 2879 en 2880 samen groot twee Aren. Waarvan het eene is verhuurd aan den heer Hubert
                                        Stokkermans bloemist en voor de huursom van vijf honderd vijftig gulden, ingevolge monderlinge
                                        overeenkomst en het andere blijkens in den boedel voorhanden huurcontract aan de heren J.N. de Pont 
                                        en B.H.C. de Pont schoenfabrikanten voor acht honderd gulden per jaar.</item>
        <geogname identifier="http://www.geonames.org/2746301">
          <geographiccoordinates coordinatesystem="WGS84">51.560596, 5.091914</geographiccoordinates>
          <part localtype="topic" lang="dut">nalatenschap</part>

Note: the sample file NL-TbRAT-115_871 only contains one descriptive unit, describing information of Notary record number 1 and not even all information that is available in this Notary record yet; this first part is just to give you an idea of what is possible when describing full Notary records.

Convention for values of EAD3 @localtype and @relator used in the pilot project for AFA-s

This is a first draft of the convention for values of EAD3 @localtype and @relator suggested alongside this EAD3 implementation guideline. This convention is maintained by the Working Group on Standards (WGoS) of the Archives Portal Europe Foundation (APEF) and is available in two formats:

For content providers

Data preparation Supporting software

Archives Portal Europe help guide

Please select amongst the relevant tips we can help with. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Starting your search here will include all content available in Archives Portal Europe. Simply enter your keyword(s) and hit the search button. Wrap fixed expressions in quotation marks, e.g. “French Revolution”. Check the box to “Search each term separately” in case you are looking for documents containing at least one word, but not necessarily all keywords; this will also allow you to search for the same term in multiple languages at the same time (e.g. “French Revolution” “Révolution Française”). You can also use wildcards - find more about Research Tools here. If you would like to use more specific settings, try our Advanced search

The additional advanced search options give you the possibility to focus your search in:

  • archival documents (Search in archives),
  • names of person and organisations that created, worked with and maintained these documents (Search in names),
  • Institutions currently holding the documents (Search in institutions).

When searching with multiple terms at the same time, wrap fixed expressions in quotation marks (e.g. "French Revolution"), or check the box "Search each term separately" in case you are looking for either one term of the other. This will also allow you to search for the same term in multiple languages (e.g. "French Revolution" "Révolution française"). You can also choose one of the suggestions matching your search term once you start typing.

This will only show results that include documents that have been digitised and are available online

Use this option to search only one or more keywords, rather than all of them

Select where your search terms should appear specifically inside the archival description:

  • Title: search terms will appear in the title, or name, of the description
  • Content Summary: search terms will appear in the main description of the document or of the collection
  • Reference code: it is the identifier of the archival material as provided by the institution. Use this option if you know the exact reference code of the material you are looking for

You can filter results by selecting where your search terms appears specifically inside the archival description:

  • The name can be the full name of a person, family or organisation as well as only parts of it, e.g. only the last name.
  • The identifier is used internally by the institution or refers to (inter)national vocabularies such as the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).
  • The place can be the place of birth (or foundation), the place of death (or closing), the place of work or any other place of importance.
  • The occupation is the profession or job of a person.
  • The mandate is a law, directive or charter that establishes and defines an organisation's powers, functions, responsibilities or sphere of activities.
  • The function is an activity, role, or purpose performed or manifested by a person, family or organisation.

You can filter results by selecting where your search terms appears specifically inside the description of the archive:

  • Name: search term appears in the name of the institution. It can be the full name of an archival institution or only parts of it.
  • Place: search term appears in the address or area of the institution. It can be the city or town, where the archival institution is located or any other place of importance (e.g. previous locations)

  • A finding aid is a structured description of archival materials per collection or fonds, up to item level.
  • A holdings guide is an overview of the collections and fonds of one archival institution.
  • A source guide is a topic-oriented overview of collections and fonds of one or several institutions.
    You can filter by one or more entity types:
  • A person (e.g. John Locke, or Jean Jaques Rousseau);
  • A family (e.g. Bonaparte, or Helgason);
  • A corporate body, i.e. the name of an institution, organisation, or company (e.g. Ministerie van Justitie, or Electro Mecánica Antonio Armentano)

Please note that this filter will only include institutions, for which a type has been provided as part of their descriptions:

  • A business archive holds the records of (often) commercial organisations.
  • A church or religious archive holds the records of church parishes or religious organisations, e.g. birth or death registers.
  • A county or local authority archive holds the records of the county's administrative bodies.
  • A media archive holds audiovisual or sound records, e.g. a film archive or the archive of a broadcasting company.
  • A municipal archive holds the records of a town or city administration.
  • A national archive holds the records of a country's administrative bodies, i.e. from ministries and other public bodies, sometimes also private papers of former ministers, chancellors, or presidents.
  • A private person or family archive holds the records forming the legacy of a prominent person or family.
  • A regional archive holds the records of a region's administrative bodies.
  • A specialised governmental archive holds records of public bodies, often operating on a national level, that are not part of the national archives' holdings.
  • A specialised non-governmental archive or archive of another cultural heritage institution hold collections from various cultural heritage institutions, eg. museum archives, libraries archives, etc
  • A university archive or archive of another research organisation holds the records pertaining to the administration of the according educational or research body.
  • Political parties, popular/labour movements and other non-governmental organisations, associations, agencies and foundations hold the archival collections of these institutions, outside of governmental records and outside of business archives (e.g., NGOs)

Enter a start and/or end date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, i.e. 01-01-1900 for 1 January 1900. This will allow you to focus your search on a specific period of time. You can use the calendar function or type directly in the text field. The checkbox "Exact date search" concentrates the search on one specific date.

Check "View in context" to view the results in the hierarchical structure of archives.

  • Choose "List view" to view the results in a simple list, ordered according to relevance or date
  • Choose "Context view" to view the results in the hierarchical structure of the holding archives.

For more details see Research Tools

Please sign in to save your searches.

A holdings guide is an overview of the collections and fonds of one archival institution.

A finding aid is a structured description of archival materials per collection or fonds up to item level.

You can filter results by selecting one or more countries of interest. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by one or more holding archival institutions. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can select to view results from a specific Finding Aid, i.e., a structured description of archival materials per collection or fonds up to item level. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter by type of descriptive document:

  • "Holdings Guide": an overview of the collections and fonds of one archival institution.
  • "Source guide": a topic-oriented overview of collections and fonds of one or several institutions. a description of the archival collections available. Similar to Holdings guides
  • "Finding aid" provides more detailed descriptions of the archival materials of specific collections or fonds

You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting "Fonds description" for a general overview or "Other descriptions" for item level. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting only those containing digital objects, i.e. the link to the digitised version of the archival material you are looking for. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by type of digital object you are interested in:

  • Text: most documental material, such as administrative records, letters, manuscripts etc.
  • Image: includes photographs, posters, maps.
  • Sound: sound recording with no images
  • Video: moving images with or without sound
  • Unspecified: indicates that the holding institution has not specified the type of digital object
  • 3D: 3-d digital objects

You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results based on the date of creation of the archival material (which may differ from the time period you are interested in - e.g., philosophers from the Enlightenment period reflecting on classic thinkers)

  • Full dates includes normalised date information available for date-based searches. It is recommended to combine this selection with the filters "Start timespan" and "End timespan" for more details.
  • Only descriptive dates provides the date information in human-readable format.
  • No date either includes documents where the creation date is unknown, or where date information is not in a machine-readable format

Please note that not all documents contain a machine-readable date. More information here

You can filter results based on the date of creation of the archival material (which may differ from the time period you are interested in - e.g., philosophers from the Enlightenment period reflecting on classic thinkers). This filter will only include materials with "Full dates", i.e. those that include date information available for date-based searches. You can either search for a specific date of interest or focus step by step on the time span of a century, decade, year or month. When searching for a specific date, enter the date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, i.e. 01/01/1900 for 1 January 1900, via the calendar function or by typing directly in the text field.
This filter concentrates on the earliest dates mentioned in the materials.

You can filter results based on the date of creation of the archival material (which may differ from the time period you are interested in - e.g., philosophers from the Enlightenment period reflecting on classic thinkers). This filter will only include materials with "Full dates", i.e. those that include date information available for date-based searches. You can either search for a specific date of interest or focus step by step on the time span of a century, decade, year or month. When searching for a specific date, enter the date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, i.e. 01/01/1900 for 1 January 1900, via the calendar function or by typing directly in the text field.
This filter concentrates on the latest dates mentioned in the materials.

You can filter results based on the language in which the material is written. Please note that this filter will only include materials where specific language information has been provided by the institution and is therefore in a machine-readable format. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting one or more topics of interest. Please note that this filter will only include materials where the topic has been assigned and is therefore in a machine-readable format. Read how to assign a topic to documents on the Topics page. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting where your search terms appears specifically inside the archival description:

  • The name can be the full name of a person, family or organisation as well as only parts of it, e.g. only the last name.
  • The identifier is used internally by the institution or refers to (inter)national vocabularies such as the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).
  • The place can be the place of birth (or foundation), the place of death (or closing), the place of work or any other place of importance.
  • The occupation is the profession or job of a person
  • The mandate is a law, directive or charter that establishes and defines an organisation's powers, functions, responsibilities or sphere of activities.
  • The function is an activity, role, or purpose performed or manifested by a person, family or organisation

You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by type of entities:

  • Person (e.g., John Locke or Jean Jaques Rousseau)
  • Family (e.g., the family Bonaparte)
  • Corporate body (an institution, organisation, or company, e.g. the "Ministerie van Justitie")
You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results based on the language in which the material is written. Please note that this filter will only include materials where specific language information has been provided by the institution and is therefore in a machine-readable format. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results based on the type of holding institution. Please note that this filter will only include institutions, for which a type has been provided as part of their descriptions.

  • A business archive holds the records of (often) commercial organisations.
  • A church or religious archive holds the records of church parishes or religious organisations, e.g. birth or death registers.
  • A county or local authority archive holds the records of the county's administrative bodies.
  • A media archive holds audiovisual or sound records, e.g. a film archive or the archive of a broadcasting company.
  • A municipal archive holds the records of a town or city administration.
  • A national archive holds the records of a country's administrative bodies, i.e. from ministries and other public bodies, sometimes also private papers of former ministers, chancellors, or presidents.
  • A private person or family archive holds the records forming the legacy of a prominent person or family.
  • A regional archive holds the records of a region's administrative bodies.
  • A specialised governmental archive holds records of public bodies, often operating on a national level, that are not part of the national archives' holdings.
  • A specialised non-governmental archive or archive of another cultural heritage institution hold collections from various cultural heritage institutions, eg. museum archives, libraries archives, etc
  • A university archive or archive of another research organisation holds the records pertaining to the administration of the according educational or research body.
  • Political parties, popular/labour movements and other non-governmental organisations, associations, agencies and foundations hold the archival collections of these institutions, outside of governmental records and outside of business archives (e.g., NGOs)

Write your message in your own language and use this drop-down menu to have your message translated into English or in the language of the institution for a swifter response. By checking this box and selecting a language you will send your original message along with the translated version

What kind of suggestion would you like to make?

  • Assign to topic: assign this record to one of our Topics. Topics are created following the Unesco Thesaurus
  • Suggest translation: If you have translated this archival description or the documents themselves, please send it to us as a .doc or .pdf file
  • Connect to another resource: If this object relates to another resource in Archives Portal Europe, or anywhere else on the web (e.g., an article on Wikipedia), you can suggest it to be linked to this resource
  • Other: If you have any other relevant material, such as a transcription of the document, please upload it and let us know here

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This object is not or no longer protected by copyright and has been labelled with the Public Domain Mark. It can be used by anyone without any restrictions.

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This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution (BY) licence. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the licensed object, even commercially, as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence.

This is a test area to fill out all the copyright details for Attribution Creative Commons Share Alike Licence

This is a test area to fill out all the copyright details for NoDerivs

This is a test area to fill out all the copyright details for NonCommercial

This object is in the public domain, but has been digitised as the outcome of a public-private partnership, where the terms of the contractual agreement limit commercial use for a certain period of time. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the object for non-commercial use only.

This object has been identified as an Orphan Work in the country of first publication and in line with the requirements of the national law implementing Directive 2012/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works.

You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy or moral rights.

This object is in the public domain, but is subject to known legal restrictions other than copyright which prevent its free re-use. Please contact the providing institution for more information.

This object is currently in copyright. Please contact the providing institution for more information and in order to acquire additional permissions for re-use.

The copyright status of this object has not been evaluated yet. Please contact the providing institution for more information.

You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy, or moral rights.

This object is currently in copyright and the rights holder(s) have allowed re-use for educational purposes only. You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy or moral rights.

Please contact the providing institution for more information and in order to acquire additional permissions for any other uses.

This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, ShareAlike (BY-SA) licence. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak and build upon the licensed object, even for commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence, and you license your adaptations of the object under the same terms.

This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, ShareAlike (BY-SA) licence. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak and build upon the licensed object, even for commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence, and you license your adaptations of the object under the same terms.

This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, No Derivates (BY-ND) licence. You can copy and redistribute the object, even commercially, as long as no alteration is made to the object and you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence.

If you remix, transform or build upon the object, you may not distribute the modified material.

This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial (BY-NC) licence. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the licensed object for non-commercial use only and as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence.

This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA) licence. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the licensed object for non-commercial use only, as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence, and as long as you license your adaptations of the object under the same terms.

This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivates (BY-NC-ND) licence. You can copy and redistribute the object for non-commercial use only, as long as no alteration is made to the object and as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence.

If you remix, transform or build upon the object, you may not distribute the modified material.

This object is in the public domain, but has been digitised as the outcome of a public-private partnership, where the terms of the contractual agreement limit commercial use for a certain period of time. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the object for non-commercial use only.

This object has been identified as an Orphan Work in the country of first publication and in line with the requirements of the national law implementing Directive 2012/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works.

You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy or moral rights.

This object is in the public domain, but is subject to known legal restrictions other than copyright which prevent its free re-use. Please contact the providing institution for more information.

This object is currently in copyright. Please contact the providing institution for more information and in order to acquire additional permissions for re-use.

The copyright status of this object has not been evaluated yet. Please contact the providing institution for more information.

You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy, or moral rights.

This object is currently in copyright and the rights holder(s) have allowed re-use for educational purposes only. You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy or moral rights.

Please contact the providing institution for more information and in order to acquire additional permissions for any other uses.