For inspiration, Archives Portal Europe holds several collections on economics in Iberoamerican countries - this is from the Spanish Archivo Histórico Nacional on how to avoid crises in Puerto Rico, when it was still a Spanish colony...
ODEON (Observatory on Economy and Numerical Operations) is an open-access journal seeking to publish a special issue that deal with long-run financial stability or particular crises episodes in Iberoamerican countries. Articles that deal with Asia, Africa or Oceania will not be considered for this issue but may be included in future issues of the journal. We are looking for papers on one or several of the following topics:
- Crisis events in the stock, real estate, exchange rate or credit markets, or the banking sector.
- The determinants of the evolution of financial instability in the financial system or stock, real estate, exchange rate or credit markets.
- The financial cycle or the joint movement between asset prices and credit aggregates.
- The dependency of prices of local assets on international long-run trends.
- Changes in regulation due to heightened financial instability or crises.
- The link between commodity prices and terms of trade with the behaviour of stock, real estate, exchange rate or credit markets.
The journal ODEON (print ISSN 1794-1113; digital ISSN: 2346-2140) is edited biannually by Universidad Externado de Colombia both in print and digital formats, and includes articles both in Spanish and English.
For more information about the CFP: