Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad was crowned king of "Greater Romania" in a grand ceremony in 1922, in the historic seat of Alba Iulia in Transylvania. Nicknamed Întregitorul, the Unifier, he was the one to confirm the 1923 Constitution of Romania (the "Constitution of Union"), issued to adapt the Romanian State to the new territorial borders. The Constitution of Union replaced the one from 1866. [caption id="attachment_1915" align="alignnone" width="1896"] The National Archives of Romania, The National Historical Central Archives Service, Casa Regala. Regina Maria. Personale. Memorii, ds. III 136_1922, f. 22v[/caption] [gallery ids="1923,1924,1925,1926" type="slideshow"] National Archives of Romania, Arhivele Naționale Istorice Centrale, Casa Regală, Oficiale, ds. 1/1923 - full document available on Archives Portal Europe at this link