We are sharing a request from a student, Andrew Sims from Plymouth University: he is conducting a research on the topic of Decolonisation and Slavery Debates within the Archive Sector. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
The main question it revolves around is: how does the archive profession, whilst retaining its independence, provide scholarly, factual and impartial support to the sector and the general population whilst upholding professional and ethical standards during the contentious decolonisation and slavery debates?
This project is attempting to identify in an anonymous way the honest thoughts and fears of those in the archive sector regarding the debate, their views on the situation and finally after collation of the data suggest ways forward.
Participation is voluntary. No identifying data will be used in the results of this survey. Your name and organisation will remain anonymous, and you will have the right to withdraw.
You can find he survey here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6-c3VPuDGk2_07skfgYb8Rp7VccFdKpDmEGM13DS_lxUOTZWVFoxOVM3QzRLWEY3MTlPQzg3SENBRi4u
Pictured: the Benin Bronzes at the British Museum, source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sonofgroucho/6825678974