Censorship in cinema, theater, and song during the dictatorship of the colonels in Greece (1967-1974)


"Η λογοκρισία σε κινηματογράφο, θέατρο και τραγούδι την περίοδο της δικτατορίας των συνταγματαρχών στην Ελλάδα (1967-1974)" - "Αρχικό κείμενο στα ελληνικά παρακάτω

by Yannis Glavinas, Archivist and Historian, General State Archives of Greece, Central Service, Department of Promotion, Communication, and Educational Activities.

Από τον Γιάννης Γκλαβίνας, αρχειονόμος και ιστορικός, Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους της Ελλάδας, Κεντρική Υπηρεσία, Τμήμα Προβολής, Επικοινωνίας και Εκπαιδευτικών Δράσεων

Censorship, as the imposition of control and limitations on the public expression of ideas and perceptions, constitutes a powerful means of maintaining power, especially in totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. The history of censorship in art and public discourse in Greece during the 20th century is identified with dictatorial regimes, such as that of the dictatorship of the colonels imposed on Greece through a military coup on April 21, 1967, ostensibly due to the communist threat to the country. The dictatorship of the colonels, through political persecutions, prohibitions, and censorship, attempted to control all aspects of intellectual life by stifling anything that could be perceived as a threat to it. In this endeavor, the regime exploited the existing legal framework of preventive censorship in Greece, which had been in place since 1936. Another dictatorship, that of Ioannis Metaxas (1936-1941), systematized state censorship by establishing the relevant legal framework. According to this, directors, film companies, playwrights, composers, and record companies had to submit to the Directorate of Popular Enlightenment of the Ministry of Press and Tourism (later the General Secretariat of Press and Information) an application accompanied by scripts, theatrical texts, and lyrics in order to obtain a license for the screening of a film, the staging of a theatrical work, or the printing of a record. The license was granted after scripts, texts, and lyrics were scrutinized by competent committees that could either prohibit or modify them if they were deemed dangerous to youth, disturbed public order, propagated subversive theories, defamed the country, undermined the social traditions of the Greek people, insulted the Christian religion, or lacked artistic value. This archive of censorship is located in the Central Service of the General State Archives of Greece.

Pages of the text of the theatrical play "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett that were reviewed by the censorship committee in January 1969. General State Archives of Greece, Central Service, Archive of the General Secretariat of Press and Information. Σελίδες του κειμένου της θεατρικής παράστασης «Περιμένοντας τον Γκοντό» του Σάμουελ Μπέκετ που ελέγχθηκαν από την επιτροπή λογοκρισίας τον Ιανουάριο του 1969. Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους της Ελλάδας, Κεντρική Υπηρεσία, Αρχείο Γενικής Γραμματείας Τύπου και Πληροφοριώ.

With the proclamation of the dictatorship of the colonels, press freedom was abolished. Additionally, the circulation and distribution of hundreds of books, magazines, and newspapers were prohibited as communist and dangerous for the youth. Concurrently, the dictatorship exercised strict control over films, songs, and theatrical performances by censoring them. The primary duty of censorship was to rid the Greek people of communist and leftist readings, films, songs, etc., either by banning them or by removing objectionable excerpts. In this context, the film "Battleship Potemkin," works of leftist Greek writers such as Kostas Varnalis and Yannis Ritsos, and current films referring to Russian sailors, among others, were banned. For the censors of the dictatorship, the works of leftist creators were also prohibited, even if they had no reference to communism and the left, as well as those published in Eastern Bloc countries. The same fate befell the works of creators and actors who had openly expressed their opposition to the dictatorship, such as Melina Mercouri, Irini Pappa, or Michalis Kakogiannis. A red flag for the dictatorship was the leftist composer Mikis Theodorakis. All his songs were banned from broadcast or performance, with offenders being brought to military courts.

Screening license of the film "Astrapogiannos" with scene and dialogue cuts. October 1970. General State Archives of Greece, Central Service, Archive of the General Secretariat of Press and Information. Άδεια προβολής της κινηματογραφικής ταινίας «Αστραπόγιαννος» με περικοπές σκηνών και διαλόγων. Οκτώβριος 1970. Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους της Ελλάδας, Κεντρική Υπηρεσία, Αρχείο Γενικής Γραμματείας Τύπου και Πληροφοριών

For the dictatorial regime, there were films, songs, etc., characterized as anarchic, subversive, or antisocial, which had to be censored because they criticized the structures of the bourgeois social system, made references to individual and collective rights, and the dire political situation of the country. Songs like "Hasapiko" by Stavros Kouyioumtzis and "Ant" by Manos Loizos were banned by censorship as subversive or anarchic. In 1968, censorship committees removed the phrase "The poor lower classes. They pay for everything" from Agatha Christie's "The Mousetrap," while the dialogue "I accept a little democratic corruption along with a little freedom. But I do not accept dictatorship without any freedom" was cut from Stanley Kubrick's film "Spartacus."

Films that showed images of the misery of Greek society could not be accepted by censorship committees, as they affected the tourist product and the propaganda of the dictatorial regime about the country's prosperity. For this reason, the films "Magic City" by Nikos Koundouros and "Kleftis" by Pantelis Voulgaris were deemed unsuitable for screening abroad. The censorship mechanism did not allow any anti-American thrust, aiming to preserve the good relations of the dictatorship with Washington. In this context, a phrase "Americans are conquerors" was cut from a Zorro film, while issues with demonstrations against the Vietnam War were eliminated from current films.

Screening license of the film "Athens After Midnight" with scene cuts featuring the composer Mikis Theodorakis. March 1968. General State Archives of Greece, Central Service, Archive of the General Secretariat of Press and Information. Άδεια προβολής της κινηματογραφικής ταινίας «Η Αθήνα μετά τα μεσάνυχτα» με περικοπές σκηνών όπου εμφανίζεται ο μουσικοσυνθέτης Μίκης Θεοδωράκης. Μάρτιος 1968.

In the propaganda of the colonels, Greek society was supposed to be re-educated in its traditional values summarized in the triptych "Fatherland, Religion, Family." The censorship committees were supposed to contribute to this task by eliminating anything that touched upon the above values, as well as institutions such as the army, the police, and education. Simultaneously, the censorship committees safeguarded the morals and decency of Greek society by cutting nude scenes and sexual innuendos from films and theatrical texts. In line with this logic, Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita" was banned from being staged in theaters in 1968 as antisocial and immoral. For the dictatorship, the youth deserved special protection from those who tried to corrupt them. The censorship committees assumed the role of guardians of the young by prohibiting, for example, the screening of the film "Woodstock" by Michael Wadleigh in 1970, with the justification that it would provoke hysterical and antisocial behavior from the youth.

Apart from preventive censorship, the dictatorial regime always had the ability to intervene suppressively by revoking licenses for films and songs, prohibiting the circulation of publications, imprisoning actors, etc. Preventive state censorship ceased to exist with the fall of the dictatorship and the restoration of democratic rule in Greece in 1974.

Η λογοκρισία, ως επιβολή ελέγχου και περιορισμών στη δημόσια έκφραση ιδεών και αντιλήψεων, αποτελεί ισχυρό μέσο διατήρησης της εξουσίας ιδίως σε ολοκληρωτικά και αυταρχικά καθεστώτα. Η ιστορία της λογοκρισίας στην τέχνη και τον δημόσιο λόγο στην Ελλάδα κατά τη διάρκεια του 20ού αιώνα ταυτίζεται με τα δικτατορικά καθεστώτα, όπως αυτό της δικτατορίας των συνταγματαρχών που επιβλήθηκε στην Ελλάδα με στρατιωτικό πραξικόπημα την 21η Απριλίου 1967 και με πρόφαση την κομμουνιστική απειλή εις βάρος της χώρας. Η δικτατορία των συνταγματαρχών μέσω πολιτικών διώξεων, απαγορεύσεων και λογοκρισίας προσπάθησε να ελέγξει όλες τις πλευρές της πνευματικής ζωής καταπνίγοντας οτιδήποτε θα μπορούσε να εκληφθεί ως απειλή εναντίον της. Στην προσπάθειά του αυτή, το καθεστώς εκμεταλλεύτηκε το υφιστάμενο νομικό πλαίσιο προληπτικής λογοκρισίας στην Ελλάδα που ίσχυε από το 1936. Μια άλλη δικτατορία, αυτή του Ιωάννη Μεταξά (1936 – 1941) συστηματοποίησε την κρατική λογοκρισία συγκροτώντας και το σχετικό νομικό πλαίσιο. Σύμφωνα με αυτό, σκηνοθέτες, κινηματογραφικές εταιρείες, θιασάρχες, θεατρικοί συγγραφείς, συνθέτες, δισκογραφικές εταιρείες έπρεπε να υποβάλουν στη Διεύθυνση Λαϊκής Διαφωτίσεως του Υφυπουργείου Τύπου και Τουρισμού (μετέπειτα Γενική Γραμματεία Τύπου και Πληροφοριών) αίτηση με συνημμένα σενάρια, θεατρικά κείμενα και στίχους, ώστε να πάρουν άδεια προβολής μιας ταινίας, αναβίβασης ενός θεατρικού έργου, εκτύπωσης ενός δίσκου. Η άδεια δινόταν αφού ελέγχονταν σενάρια, κείμενα και στίχοι από αρμόδιες επιτροπές που μπορούσαν να τα απαγορεύσουν ή να τα τροποποιήσουν αν έκριναν ότι ήταν επικίνδυνα για τη νεολαία, διατάρασσαν τη δημόσια τάξη, προπαγάνδιζαν ανατρεπτικές θεωρίες, δυσφημούσαν τη χώρα, υπονόμευαν τις κοινωνικές παραδόσεις του ελληνικού λαού, προσέβαλαν τη χριστιανική θρησκεία και στερούνταν καλλιτεχνική αξία. Το αρχείο αυτό της λογοκρισίας βρίσκεται στην Κεντρική Υπηρεσία των Γενικών Αρχείων του Κράτους της Ελλάδας.

Με την κήρυξη της δικτατορίας των συνταγματαρχών η ελευθερία του Τύπου καταργήθηκε. Επιπλέον, απαγορεύτηκε η κυκλοφορία και διάθεση εκατοντάδων βιβλίων, περιοδικών και εφημερίδων ως κομμουνιστικών και επικίνδυνων για τη νεολαία. Παράλληλα, η δικτατορία άσκησε αυστηρό έλεγχο σε κινηματογραφικές ταινίες, τραγούδια και θεατρικές παραστάσεις λογοκρίνοντας τα. Βασικό καθήκον της λογοκρισίας ήταν να απαλλάξει τον ελληνικό λαό από κομμουνιστικά και αριστερά αναγνώσματα, ταινίες, τραγούδια κ.λπ. είτε απαγορεύοντάς τα είτε απαλείφοντας επιλήψιμα αποσπάσματα. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, απαγορεύτηκε η ταινία Το θωρηκτό Ποτέμκιν, έργα των αριστερών Ελλήνων λογοτεχνών Κώστα Βάρναλη και Γιάννη Ρίτσου, κινηματογραφικά επίκαιρα που αναφέρονταν σε Ρώσους κοσμοναύτες, κ.ά. Για τους λογοκριτές της δικτατορίας απαγορευτέα ήταν και τα έργα αριστερών δημιουργών, έστω και αν δεν είχαν καμία αναφορά σε κομμουνισμό και αριστερά, καθώς και όσα εκδόθηκαν στις χώρες του ανατολικού μπλοκ. Την ίδια τύχη είχαν τα έργα δημιουργών και ηθοποιών που είχαν εκφράσει ανοιχτά την αντίθεσή τους στην δικτατορία, όπως η Μελίνα Μερκούρη, η Ειρήνη Παππά ή ο Μιχάλης Κακογιάννης. Κόκκινο πανί για την δικτατορία ήταν ο αριστερός μουσικοσυνθέτης Μίκης Θεοδωράκης. Όλα τα τραγούδια του είχαν απαγορευτεί να μεταδίδονται ή να τραγουδιούνται, με τους παραβάτες να οδηγούνται στα στρατοδικεία.

Για το δικτατορικό καθεστώς υπήρχαν ταινίες, τραγούδια κ.λπ. που χαρακτηρίζονταν ως αναρχικά, ανατρεπτικά ή αντικοινωνικά και έπρεπε να λογοκριθούν γιατί ασκούσαν κριτική στις δομές του αστικού κοινωνικού καθεστώτος, έκαναν αναφορές σε ατομικά και συλλογικά δικαιώματα και στη ζοφερή πολιτική κατάσταση της χώρας. Τα τραγούδια Χασάπικο του Σταύρου Κουγιουμτζή και Μέρμηγκας του Μάνου Λοΐζου απαγορεύτηκαν από τη λογοκρισία ως ανατρεπτικά ή αναρχικά. Το 1968 οι επιτροπές λογοκρισίας απάλειψαν από την Ποντικοπαγίδα της Agatha Christie τη φράση «Οι καημένες οι κατώτερες τάξεις. Όλα αυτές τα πληρώνουν», ενώ από την ταινία Σπάρτακος του Stanley Kubrick κόπηκε ο διάλογος: «Δέχομαι λίγη δημοκρατική διαφθορά μαζί με λίγη ελευθερία. Δεν δέχομαι όμως δικτατορία χωρίς καθόλου ελευθερία».

Ταινίες που έδειχναν εικόνες μιζέριας της ελληνικής κοινωνίας δεν θα μπορούσαν να γίνουν αποδεκτές από τις επιτροπές λογοκρισίας, εφόσον έπλητταν το τουριστικό προϊόν και την προπαγάνδα του δικτατορικού καθεστώτος περί ευημερίας της χώρας. Για αυτόν τον λόγο, οι ταινίες Μαγική πόλις του Νίκου Κούνδουρου και Κλέφτης του Παντελή Βούλγαρη κρίθηκαν ακατάλληλες για προβολή στο εξωτερικό. Ο λογοκριτικός μηχανισμός δεν επέτρεπε καμία αντιαμερικανική αιχμή θέλοντας να διαφυλάξει τις καλές σχέσεις της δικτατορίας με την Ουάσιγκτον. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό από μία ταινία του Ζορό κόβεται η φράση «οι Αμερικανοί είναι κατακτητές», ενώ από κινηματογραφικά επίκαιρα απαλείφονταν θέματα με διαδηλώσεις εναντίον του πολέμου στο Βιετνάμ.

Στην προπαγάνδα των συνταγματαρχών η ελληνική κοινωνία θα έπρεπε να διαπαιδαγωγηθεί εκ νέου στις παραδοσιακές της αξίες που συνοψίζονταν στο τρίπτυχο «Πατρίς, Θρησκεία, Οικογένεια». Οι επιτροπές λογοκρισίας έπρεπε να συμβάλουν σ’ αυτό το έργο απαλείφοντας οτιδήποτε έθιγε τις παραπάνω αξίες, αλλά και θεσμούς, όπως ο στρατός, η αστυνομία και η εκπαίδευση. Παράλληλα, οι επιτροπές λογοκρισίας περιφρουρούσαν την ηθική και τη σεμνότητα της ελληνικής κοινωνίας κόβοντας γυμνές σκηνές και σεξουαλικά υπονοούμενα από ταινίες και θεατρικά κείμενα. Με αυτή το λογική το 1968 η Λολίτα του Vladimir Nabokov απαγορεύτηκε να ανέβει στο θέατρο ως έργο αντικοινωνικό και ανήθικο. Για τη δικτατορία η νεολαία έχριζε ειδικής προστασίας από όσους προσπαθούσαν να τη διαφθείρουν. Οι επιτροπές λογοκρισίας αναλάμβαναν τον ρόλο του προστάτη των νέων απαγορεύοντας, για παράδειγμα, το 1970 την προβολή της ταινίας Woodstock του Michael Wadleigh με το αιτιολογικό ότι θα προκαλέσει υστερικές και αντικοινωνικές εκδηλώσεις από τη νεολαία.

Εκτός βέβαια από την προληπτική λογοκρισία το δικτατορικό καθεστώς είχε πάντα τη δυνατότητα να επέμβει κατασταλτικά αίροντας τη χορήγηση αδειών σε ταινίες και τραγούδια, απαγορεύοντας την κυκλοφορία εντύπων, φυλακίζοντας ηθοποιούς κ.λπ. Η προληπτική κρατική λογοκρισία έπαυσε να υφίσταται με την πτώση της δικτατορίας και την αποκατάσταση του δημοκρατικού πολιτεύματος στην Ελλάδα το 1974.

Rejection by the censorship committee of the song "Hasapiko" with the reasoning that its lyrics could be interpreted as anarchic. General State Archives of Greece, Central Service, Archive of the General Secretariat of Press and Information. Απόρριψη από την επιτροπή λογοκρισίας του τραγουδιού «Χασάπικο» με την αιτιολογία ότι οι στίχοι του μπορεί να ερμηνευτούν ως αναρχικοί. Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους της Ελλάδας, Κεντρική Υπηρεσία, Αρχείο Γενικής Γραμματείας Τύπου και Πληροφοριών. Control sheet of the film "The Daughter of Zorro. I will avenge twice" with the phrase "The Americans are conquerors" cut. December 1967. General State Archives of Greece, Central Service, Archive of the General Secretariat of Press and Information. Δελτίο ελέγχου της κινηματογραφικής ταινίας «Η κόρη του Ζορό. Θα εκδικηθώ δύο φορές» με περικοπή της φράσης «Οι Αμερικανοί είναι κατακτητές». Δεκέμβριος 1967. Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους της Ελλάδας, Κεντρική Υπηρεσία, Αρχείο Γενικής Γραμματείας Τύπου και Πληροφοριών.

Section of the proclamation of the General Staff of the Army prohibiting the distribution and circulation of books, magazines, and newspapers as communist and dangerous for youth. June 1967. General State Archives of Greece, Central Service, Archive of the General Secretariat of Press and Information. Τμήμα της προκήρυξης του Γενικού Επιτελείου Στρατού με την οποία απαγορεύεται η διάθεση και κυκλοφορία βιβλίων, περιοδικών και εφημερίδων ως κομμουνιστικών και επικίνδυνων για τη νεολαία. Ιούνιος 1967. Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους της Ελλάδας, Κεντρική Υπηρεσία, Αρχείο Γενικής Γραμματείας Τύπου και Πληροφοριών

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You can filter results by selecting only those containing digital objects, i.e. the link to the digitised version of the archival material you are looking for. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by type of digital object you are interested in:

  • Text: most documental material, such as administrative records, letters, manuscripts etc.
  • Image: includes photographs, posters, maps.
  • Sound: sound recording with no images
  • Video: moving images with or without sound
  • Unspecified: indicates that the holding institution has not specified the type of digital object
  • 3D: 3-d digital objects

You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your filter selection will appear above. Click "Clear filters" to see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results based on the date of creation of the archival material (which may differ from the time period you are interested in - e.g., philosophers from the Enlightenment period reflecting on classic thinkers)

  • Full dates includes normalised date information available for date-based searches. It is recommended to combine this selection with the filters "Start timespan" and "End timespan" for more details.
  • Only descriptive dates provides the date information in human-readable format.
  • No date either includes documents where the creation date is unknown, or where date information is not in a machine-readable format

Please note that not all documents contain a machine-readable date. More information here

You can filter results based on the date of creation of the archival material (which may differ from the time period you are interested in - e.g., philosophers from the Enlightenment period reflecting on classic thinkers). This filter will only include materials with "Full dates", i.e. those that include date information available for date-based searches. You can either search for a specific date of interest or focus step by step on the time span of a century, decade, year or month. When searching for a specific date, enter the date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, i.e. 01/01/1900 for 1 January 1900, via the calendar function or by typing directly in the text field.
This filter concentrates on the earliest dates mentioned in the materials.

You can filter results based on the date of creation of the archival material (which may differ from the time period you are interested in - e.g., philosophers from the Enlightenment period reflecting on classic thinkers). This filter will only include materials with "Full dates", i.e. those that include date information available for date-based searches. You can either search for a specific date of interest or focus step by step on the time span of a century, decade, year or month. When searching for a specific date, enter the date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, i.e. 01/01/1900 for 1 January 1900, via the calendar function or by typing directly in the text field.
This filter concentrates on the latest dates mentioned in the materials.

You can filter results based on the language in which the material is written. Please note that this filter will only include materials where specific language information has been provided by the institution and is therefore in a machine-readable format. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting one or more topics of interest. Please note that this filter will only include materials where the topic has been assigned and is therefore in a machine-readable format. Read how to assign a topic to documents on the Topics page. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by selecting where your search terms appears specifically inside the archival description:

  • The name can be the full name of a person, family or organisation as well as only parts of it, e.g. only the last name.
  • The identifier is used internally by the institution or refers to (inter)national vocabularies such as the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).
  • The place can be the place of birth (or foundation), the place of death (or closing), the place of work or any other place of importance.
  • The occupation is the profession or job of a person
  • The mandate is a law, directive or charter that establishes and defines an organisation's powers, functions, responsibilities or sphere of activities.
  • The function is an activity, role, or purpose performed or manifested by a person, family or organisation

You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results by type of entities:

  • Person (e.g., John Locke or Jean Jaques Rousseau)
  • Family (e.g., the family Bonaparte)
  • Corporate body (an institution, organisation, or company, e.g. the "Ministerie van Justitie")
You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results based on the language in which the material is written. Please note that this filter will only include materials where specific language information has been provided by the institution and is therefore in a machine-readable format. You can also combine this filter with other filters. Your selection will then be displayed above the search results (see "Search filters"). Clicking "Clear filters" will remove your selection and you will see all results matching your initial search request again.

You can filter results based on the type of holding institution. Please note that this filter will only include institutions, for which a type has been provided as part of their descriptions.

  • A business archive holds the records of (often) commercial organisations.
  • A church or religious archive holds the records of church parishes or religious organisations, e.g. birth or death registers.
  • A county or local authority archive holds the records of the county's administrative bodies.
  • A media archive holds audiovisual or sound records, e.g. a film archive or the archive of a broadcasting company.
  • A municipal archive holds the records of a town or city administration.
  • A national archive holds the records of a country's administrative bodies, i.e. from ministries and other public bodies, sometimes also private papers of former ministers, chancellors, or presidents.
  • A private person or family archive holds the records forming the legacy of a prominent person or family.
  • A regional archive holds the records of a region's administrative bodies.
  • A specialised governmental archive holds records of public bodies, often operating on a national level, that are not part of the national archives' holdings.
  • A specialised non-governmental archive or archive of another cultural heritage institution hold collections from various cultural heritage institutions, eg. museum archives, libraries archives, etc
  • A university archive or archive of another research organisation holds the records pertaining to the administration of the according educational or research body.
  • Political parties, popular/labour movements and other non-governmental organisations, associations, agencies and foundations hold the archival collections of these institutions, outside of governmental records and outside of business archives (e.g., NGOs)

Write your message in your own language and use this drop-down menu to have your message translated into English or in the language of the institution for a swifter response. By checking this box and selecting a language you will send your original message along with the translated version

What kind of suggestion would you like to make?

  • Assign to topic: assign this record to one of our Topics. Topics are created following the Unesco Thesaurus
  • Suggest translation: If you have translated this archival description or the documents themselves, please send it to us as a .doc or .pdf file
  • Connect to another resource: If this object relates to another resource in Archives Portal Europe, or anywhere else on the web (e.g., an article on Wikipedia), you can suggest it to be linked to this resource
  • Other: If you have any other relevant material, such as a transcription of the document, please upload it and let us know here

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This object has been identified as an Orphan Work in the country of first publication and in line with the requirements of the national law implementing Directive 2012/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works.

You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy or moral rights.

This object is in the public domain, but is subject to known legal restrictions other than copyright which prevent its free re-use. Please contact the providing institution for more information.

This object is currently in copyright. Please contact the providing institution for more information and in order to acquire additional permissions for re-use.

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You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy, or moral rights.

This object is currently in copyright and the rights holder(s) have allowed re-use for educational purposes only. You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy or moral rights.

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This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, ShareAlike (BY-SA) licence. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak and build upon the licensed object, even for commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence, and you license your adaptations of the object under the same terms.

This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, ShareAlike (BY-SA) licence. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak and build upon the licensed object, even for commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence, and you license your adaptations of the object under the same terms.

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This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial (BY-NC) licence. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the licensed object for non-commercial use only and as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence.

This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA) licence. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the licensed object for non-commercial use only, as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence, and as long as you license your adaptations of the object under the same terms.

This object is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivates (BY-NC-ND) licence. You can copy and redistribute the object for non-commercial use only, as long as no alteration is made to the object and as long as you attribute the rights holder as described in the licence.

If you remix, transform or build upon the object, you may not distribute the modified material.

This object is in the public domain, but has been digitised as the outcome of a public-private partnership, where the terms of the contractual agreement limit commercial use for a certain period of time. You can copy, redistribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the object for non-commercial use only.

This object has been identified as an Orphan Work in the country of first publication and in line with the requirements of the national law implementing Directive 2012/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works.

You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy or moral rights.

This object is in the public domain, but is subject to known legal restrictions other than copyright which prevent its free re-use. Please contact the providing institution for more information.

This object is currently in copyright. Please contact the providing institution for more information and in order to acquire additional permissions for re-use.

The copyright status of this object has not been evaluated yet. Please contact the providing institution for more information.

You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy, or moral rights.

This object is currently in copyright and the rights holder(s) have allowed re-use for educational purposes only. You are free to use this object in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. Please note that you are responsible for your own use, including the need to obtain other permissions e.g. with regard to publicity, privacy or moral rights.

Please contact the providing institution for more information and in order to acquire additional permissions for any other uses.